Hello everybody, I have a RB1100 AX2-AH. This provides 9 VLANs with DHCP server. At Etherport2 (Trunkline) this is a CAP-AC with 4 WLAN (VLAN1-4) and with his own EthernetPort (VLAN5) attached. The clients (smartphone, notebook) can log on to the second Ethernet port or the 4 WLAN and come to the In...
Hello Sob, many thanks for your response!! It's like you wrote it, the respect for the Radiusserver. :-) Is there a way to write the MAC addresses only once and then assign these to all 6 "forbidden" VlANs (= 6DHCP server)? So for example: block (this) MAC address on all 10 DHCP Server and...
Hello everybody, I have a network with 10 VLANs ( - A Microtik 1100ahx2 is the DHCP- and Radiusserver (MAC-Adress). Everything works so far. Now I have ONE new laptop cart with one AP (Router with DDWRT as AP) and 15 laptops. I would like the laptop cart ONLY in 4 VLAN func...
Hello Insider :-) , can you please help me with a Mangle rule and their correct order? I use a Mikrotik (RB1100AHx29) WITHOUT NAT. As a small protection against private hotspot / tethering I would like to set the TTL value for all VLANs to 1 (TTL=1). Only the AdminVlan should still be able to operat...
I know this is not a save rule but the only option I have .... Please help with this firewall rule. I would like to prevent the user from opening their own hotspot or tethering. In all VLANs it should be forbidden. Only in the AdminVLAN100 it should be allowed. What do you think of the rules? 1. Rul...
Hello everybody, Finally, I would ask you to check my firewall rules. They are there to give the admin access to all VLANs and the Mikrotic. The client VLANs must not have contact with one another and do not come to the microtik router. https://picload.org/image/rlariopa/firewallrules.jpg For inform...
Thank you all! @sob - I am doing lot of my testing remote via opvn therefore I am very carefully. I am so glad that I beginn to understand firewall rules :-) @ploquets XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/XX is not a single IP but an expression for a subnet incl. subnetmask? e.g. - Do I need
Hello everybody, After me sob and yogender have helped to isolate the VLANs among themselves THANKS !!! I would now like to prevent access to the microtics in the same LAN. The adminclient is in Vlan 5 (= 172.16. 5 .0 / 24). The microtronic router has the IP 172.16. 5 .254 in the adminVLAN5. The adm...
Hello everybody, Can someone please help me in answering the questions: 1. I have several subdomains (VLANs) with own DHCP server installed on my RB1100Ax2. With the activation of the radius server, each subdomain then retains its own IP pool. E.g. VLAN40 176.20. 40 .x/24 // VLAN50 176.16. 50 .x/24 ...
@ thank you again! By the cold I'm somewhat cumbersome ... This would be 100% the right entry in the microtics firewall: 1. /ip firewall filter add action=accept chain=forward connection-state=established,related 2. /ip firewall filter add action=allow chain=forward in-interface=admin-vlan5 out-inte...
Thank you both for the answers! Sorry for the late reply ..... I have a strong cold :-( @Sob and @yogender, I want to enter my firewall rules in the RB1100AHx2. I have set up no NAT and no firewall rules (the actual firewall is the PFSENSE). How do you keep these rules: First rule: / Ip firewall fil...
Hello everybody, In our seminar I have a Mikrotik RB1100AHx2 in use. The network I have divided into 16 VLANs. All clients access the Internet via a firewall (PFSENSE). The VLANs are installed in the RB and the DHCP server as well. For maintenance reasons I often have to go into the net. For this re...