Hello, How to find out what value to put on set limit and total limit on QOSwhat else you need? (check slide 26 in janism presentation)
if you have question - then ask direct question - not overall - need to look for more detail...
how comes the same user to log in multiple time? my user are getting disconnected rapidly with those logs there should be some solutions to stop disconnecting those users.Solution for what exactly? Either you allow user to log in multiple times or not.
What will be the solutions then?Of course if you enable "only one" then router will not allow multiple connections of the same user.
thank you for your suggestionsThe ticket is still open and is being researched by our technical team.
I suggest to contact our consultants, because the problem seems to be in your network, not in the configuration. You must hire a specialist that can check your network on site.
this is my ticket number, Ticket#2018040722001762Provide link to forum topic and support ticket number. I can maybe give suggestions why you have no answers.
i have done it many more time but could not get any solutions.You have the following options:
1. Make a new forum post with specific question that you have
2. Email mikrotik support@mikrotik.com
3. Contact the above certified consultants to get them access your device remotely
what about -63s? All the devices are with in 2km distances. Most of all devices are disconnected which are <-65 as well.-68,-74 are not good signals, what is CPE device's distance, also good to know noise floor, are all devices disconnecting or just CPEs with signal >-65
Although my wireless clients are in range they keep disconnecting, why?how about if you make a normal topic, with clear question in topic title, and clear problem description?
i am having same issue on the clear line of sight, where the client is not far than 500meters, so how can you say bad signal??extensive data loss, bad signal.