Hi All, I've spent ages searching the forum for existing posts, but am unable to find anything relevant. Please could you assist or point me at an existing post. I have a situation where a customer has 3 existing APs (Unifi) that have a basic open SSID and get DHCP from his existing network. I am un...
Hi All I originally posted this on Wireless networking but had no response, hoping this group will be better placed to assist. I'm surely doing something wrong but would appreciate your input. I've been setting up my caps-man devices manually up until now, but have decided to script them. I am using...
Hi All I'm surely doing something wrong but would appreciate your input. I've been setting up my caps-man devices manually up until now, but have decided to script them. I am using the following code snippet: /caps-man configuration add name=hotspot datapath=hotspot mode=ap ssid=blah distance=indoor...
+1 for the issue reported by Ocean. After updating to 7.10.1 from 7.10 OVPN has stopped working, Connection initially established but no traffic through tunnel, and then connection gets dropped due to inactivity timeout (ping restart) UPDATE: Just checked and am getting the same OVPN issue in releas...
Hi All I am running v7.9.2 and was trying to return specific details from system/resources using .proplist on API, which was failing. So I did the obvious and tested the relevent command on the router command line - which also returns nothing. I've tried /system/resources/get value-name="any va...
Hi I'm trying to grab hotspot active users via the API I would normally use /ip/hotspot/active/print count-only, but can't figure a cURL API call to replicate Tried the following: curl -k -u admin:password\.proplist=count-only curl -k -u admin:password h...
Hi All I am using a wAP R over LTE. The APN being used by the SIM card requires that every domain being accessed by the Routerboard is declared upfront for access. I have my scripts running fine, the only issue I am experiencing is auto-upgrade. Upgrade service cannot access required domains. I have...
Hi All, Looking for some advice/help. I have a few Mikrotik APs at customers now (200+) which, from a script, send me a file every 5 mins (via FTP), I have noticed that where I have multiple APs sending me files from the same venue, I am often getting 'FTP Connection refused - too many connections f...
Thanks for replying, but I think you missed my point. I want to serve the video from the 951-2HnD directly.
I have now found a solution, by simply placing the video in the /hotspot/ directory users are able to access it and play it using the local network
Hi all, I am running a number of 951-2HnD devices as wireless APs connected to 3G/4G modems for remote areas.. I want to use the 100Mb available storage on the 951 to locally store a video file and have the WiFi user stream the video over the local network, rather than use the slower 3G and use more...