If you find out their SMTP server, which alot of places no longer give out. Even if you set up your personal SMTP server, you can still send it from your e-mail, reason being, as I said earlier, it spoofs it.
We just got this working the other day. You'll need a personal SMTP server that will accept SMTP connections, as the previous poster said. It's really a neat little utility. It, in all reality, spoofs whichever email address you want it to come from, such as Admin@Microsoft.com, or Admin@google.com ...
http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d5/nivlaboi/notworkingalwayslevel.png http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d5/nivlaboi/workingbutlongincremints.png These are two screenshots of two different links... any idea why they're leveling out? The top one is of a set speed (100), and second one is without it...
Same here, like said, it shows the real-time stats on the link itself, but not on the charts... even when you export to PNG, it graphs the same. But on specific items, it works perfectly. It seems like a "on or off" type of chart deal. No good. Please fix MikroTik!! GOOD FUNCTIONALITY!!!