Can you please tell us what is your particular problem?can anyone share his export of mikrotik (specially the mangle + all the queues)
Change the dns server address under IP - DNS.hi friends
i have a problem with my dns server and i have mk in my network and want to use another dns from a friend , is there a rule to permit my network use the dns of my friend??? , i made somes rules but is not working
WDS creates latency, i suggest not to connect more than 8 WDS clients.Does anyone know how many AP's running WDS you can have connected to one RB532 With Router OS with one radio card ?
The links are all AP's running WDS to the main AP only and no WDS between AP's
What do you mean? You can connect to the userman from everywhere you have ip connection to the router (userman).Hi, is it possible to logon to the user manager/console wirelessly? Ta
You can download it from here: ... .43-ns.npkSeems to be missing from the RouterBoard versions.
Its there for the i86 boards for the new version.
Is it still available????
Check this link: need to upgrade to 2.9.42 from v2.9rc7 .
Is there a fee for this?
You're on a personal crusade...
1- Don´t double post.visita el foro mikrotik en español
no.....No........can a AP with 2327 of frequency connect to a dlink dwl 2100 acces point with 2.462 frequency as a client???
is there any range can connect with 2327 other that its self
No........can a AP with 2327 of frequency connect to a dlink dwl 2100 acces point with 2.462 frequency as a client???
IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!This sounds like the answer to all our problems!
And the formulas are there to prove it!
Especially recommended for all beginners in MikroTik! Lower your noise floor without changing hardware!
disable the "dude" package...i changed our test station to v3beta3 alls working fine but i see the cpu load stays on 100% all the time its a rb500
done bandwidth test everything great only cpu load at 100%
is there a way to block specific extension files (not all) used by p2p softwares?
Yes.. but is good to save a backup just in case...can i upgrade without any action first ?, i mean must i backup the existing configuration in my router ?
Well, you need to NAT....I am just checking and NAT is not setup
ip firewall nat add chain=src-nat out-interface=wlan1 action=masquerade thought some threads were disappearing..i just figured i read the info else where...
mods: what is the policy on thread removal?
1)Wrong forum to postI have lan card Wireless chipsit type is Atheros 5212
routerOs 2.9.27 level 6
how max clints can conect online and work ??????
Official language is ENGLISH...gospoda iz cti prosili ukazat chto dolgno bit v pakete posilaemom ot radius servera na otkluchenie polzovateley hotspot. podskagite zachem vi udalaete moi soobsheniya iz foruma ?
Check the Webproxy Status....10x cibernet for your reply
the counter in the firewall - nat is counting now.
is there a way to know that the cache is really working?
10x again
ip webproxy monitor
Yes you can...Hello...
How can I establish firewall rule (maybe input rule) for my DHCP server deny a IP to certain MAC address?
???anytime somone is trying to attach a file my gateway keep timeout any remedy to this
Here: how do i configure my router to use dhcp server. i have license 4 os installed my pc.
Try netinstallPLEASE HELP!
Using FTP: I tried upgrading a routerboard 230 from 2.84 to 2.9. I copied the routerboard install files and rebooted the router. I know have corrupted mikrotik software that does not boot at all. Any help would be ggreatly appreciated.
Ummm... send support.rif to support@mikrotik.com2.9.29 with the matching 2.9.29 UPS package.
You should first read Can Help Me Pleasee
Does anyone have a porn block list?? There was once a topic on this.
Thanks have a Routeros 2.9.17 version like border router in our network.
How can I limit the traffic (2mb DW / 2mb US) for two datacenter subnets ???.
Thanks a lot.
Read before... !
Haw can I change channel from configuration mode ?
Thanks !
Yes, you can use ithi MT ,
i have a question about User manager , can i use User Manager on Lan or Wlan?
i want to use it for people on the lan or wlan by user name and password .
so does it work or not?
Thank's , but do you know what is hyperlan2 ?
bye guys,
There is no support for hyperlan2 in routerOS ?
Seach the forums... has been asked so many times before.....Hi,
Can someone please point me to a docunment for connecting 2 5ghz radio's together. I would like to setup a point to point connection. One end will connect to an ehternet connection and the other a AP-Bridge.
Thanks in advance Mark
Deppens on too many factors... search the forums you will find some posts talking about it, 50 it`s a good number...i have a ap what is the maximum clients i can connect it has a sr2 and a cm9
i have heard 50 per radio but would like some real world input
VPN?How to ?
I have a network, with one public IP address, behind microtic is addresses pool 192.168.0.x and AP (not MT) in
And my quastion is, how to configure main server (on MT), to can see this AP in in other locations (some in the world) ?
It can run on linux too (wine)Hi there...Does it only run on Windoze? Is it possible to get a compile for OS/2 (eComStation)? (If not by you is the source avail?)
Leon Zetekoff
BackWoods Wireless
Blandon, PA
It's not in the manual (yet)Is there any?
Well, you should read it.... here's the link I haven't found nothing out this forum would when i have time. also, what section if you can point me in the right direction.its in the documentation... read it sometime![]()
56000 - bytes
56k - kilobytes
56m - 56mbytes
etc etc etc
can i actually type it as it is above? 56m or 56k ?
HERE: all,
Does any one know if mikrotik 2.9.7 supports dwl520 v.E1 or TEW-228PI (Chipset RTL8180L) ? if yes, does it work as AP or only clients ?
Disable de MAC server..hi,
i've some problem, i just want my mikrotik not detected in NeighborViewer, can u help me to make firewall to this??
can ur help,
how to blol mactelnet and macping in mikrotik
Thanks a lot, it worksRegards...Code: Select all/ip firewall filter add chain=forward p2p=all-p2p action=drop
I want to disallow my users to use such applications as DC++, bittorretn etc. Can this be done by mt router?
/ip firewall filter add chain=forward p2p=all-p2p action=drop
am have same of site open pl tell me where to going, if want set to mtu in mikrotik router,because some is open througt nat connect.
if you use the routeros package you have to enable it from system>packages or download the all-packages and install the rstp-bridge test...after upgrade my RB532a for OS 2.9.24 dont locate package rstp-test i need this package, i dont locate for download in
Help-me !!
Wrong.... check here...: is not possible on Level 4... to set up that PCI wireless network card as AP?
Use the "export" commnad....Is there any other way to replicate configurations on multiple MT Wireless APs without changing MAC addresses?
Use the log command in firewall to log ICMP traffic..I wan't to have a some history of ping's , to some hosts.
Where can I make it ?
I use winbox, and 2.9.23 MT
No, you can only drop itTime ago I saw that I cannot limit ARES, and other p2p, Bandwith...
So I ´m using a DROP rule for WAREZ P2P...
With the new OS can I limit ARES bandwidth ?
no...Maybe I am just stupid - I don't know. When I run a traceroute I am used to seeing both the IP and the DNS name. In Mikrotik it appears to be a one or the other scenario. Is there a way to see both?
Manual am new to the Mikrotik router. My experience is with Cisco equipment. Is there a command like show run that will show me the entire router configuration?
yes....Is there any available ?
Deppends on distance, bandwidth, antennas, radios, ect ect... about 50 clients you can get aprox..dear if i connect mikrotic apbridge in omni/sector antenna , how many acess point it support in remote end
Yes you can upgrade to 2.9 just make sure that the upgrade licence it´s not expiredmine mikrotik this in version 2.8.10 I can low Packages 2.9.17 and install?
2.9.17 has been released.....Greetings,
Wondering when an approximate relase date for 2.9.15 is? Still having problems on and off, would be nice to know a rough timeline and I expect that everyone else that is having problems would be very interested in also.
You cant, there is no 2.10 betas right now...How i can test and use Mikrotik 2.10 ???
If you want to limit the max registered clients, just set the number on the wireless interface...Is there any way to limit the number of wireless connection per radio to say 50 to prevent a single access point from getting overloaded?
thank you
sir i want configuration hotspot 500 Mts including one hotel and garden
with one omni one mikrotik.Nothing else. can it provide signal in the 2 staire hotel no using accespoint.
Don´t use capital letters.... Try ubiquiti SR2 400mW...YEAH I KNOW BUT I DONT GET VERY FAR WITHOUT THEM
Try to upgrade to 2.9.14It no longer graphs interfaces is there a setting i messed up tryed upgrading and it is still not graphing
Yes, it worksI want ot use 150 simple queues with different priorities. Does this work. I there anybody with similar configuration.
that new feature would be good
You can use torrent with masquarading only!
So don't touch anything as I said, I NEVER said he should block those ports...
How can you make the masquarading?
ip firewall nat add chain=srcnat src-address=(your lan) action=masquerade
Yes, the SR5 supports it, and it deppeds of your needs... if your climate changes a lot i suggest to enable it...Does the SR5 support periodic Calibration and is worth having turned on?
Please post your configuration...i configure a wireless router as client with mk 2.9.10 prism 2.5 i was unable to communicate with dlink access point what is the problem pls the dlink is dwl700