I think you don't have a DDNS problem, but (as RouterOS is telling you) your MikroTik router is behind a NAT router. Therefor, it does not get a public IP address assigned on the WAN interface. Is it correct that the WAN interface of your MikroTik is connected to (i.e.) the ISP modem/router? Or is ...
Reinstall the routeros 6.46.4 as netinstall. However, the same problem occurred. A. PING is communicated to the ISP address. B. DDNS address is out of communication by calling a 404 or 400 error. C. quick setup not working!! D. ERROR COMMENT : (IP CLOUD (DDNS)) router is behind a NAT. Remote connect...
After checking the inter-vlan setting, I found that I use L3 for my router and L2 for my switch. Therefore, the router will maintain and use L3 and the VPN will be considered to be used L3. And the step I understand is to use inter-vlan as a Cisco device, so I don't know much about mikrotik. So I do...
I added the firewall rule "chain=input action=drop" again. Well, I created ovpn-log.txt and I opened it once. However, the ovpn-log.txt file only contained the ROUTER OS version, today's version, and ROUTER SIRIAL numbers. But I think this data can help, so I'm going to give you log. apr/1...
First of all, I want to let you know today that ddns can communicate externally Why communications are possible. ip firewall filter rule [cskeisa@Router]>/ip firewall filter add chain=input action=drop component="Drop" -> remove! The ddns became an external communication, so I tried to con...
I'm so sorry. I'm from ROK. That's why I seem to have inadvertently confused. A clear problem: The router does not seem to allow OPENVPN communication through port 1194 in the NAT rule or router firewall rule. Proof : Set ddns and attempt ping test on router from client side failed I'm trying to fin...
Hello, I am operating version 6.44.2 with router RB1100AHx4. There is a problem. A. We have established OPENVPN, but we do not normally communicate with ROUTER DDNS. B. CA, CLIENT Certificate was created to connect OPENVPN to CLIENT, but the following messenger appears. CLIENT LOG FILE : client18221...
Hello. I am a university student who is using mikrotik device for university research in ROK [ South korea]. The space I study is using OpenStack and K8s (kubernetes). If you also consider vpn, I recommend carefully the "Mikrotik device RB1100AHx4" that we use in our lab. Our university la...
Hello, anav I reconfigured the device and changed the client device. And I found out that there was a fatal flaw in the client device. The client device was using the "Killer Lan" and the "Killer Lan" device was known to cause a driver crash by Microsoft update. The phenomenon th...
Hello, anav! I succeeded in communicating with ipmi on the server. [ I learned later that ipmi communication was not originally available! ] It was applied as anav proposal: add bridge=BR1 tagged=BR1,eth2 untagged=eth3,eth4,eth5,eth6,eth7,eth8,eth9,eth10,eth11,eth12 vlan-ids=100 But it's still in co...
Hello, I managed to construct an inter plan. Well, there's a problem. problem A. The Internet measurement site takes a normal download speed of 470M to 500M, but upload speed is only 0.3M to 1M. My network diagram is "inter vlan image: inter vlan." Please look at the image. ** Structure vl...
Hello, anav! I reconfigured and re-ordered the equipment on the basis of what you proposed today! I judged that I had succeeded in setting up the equipment. And I've written this in a separate report form! Thank you very much. anav! If it were not your hard work, it would not have succeeded. A succe...
Hello, anav I read the link you gave me, "Switch with a separate router (RoaS)," and downloaded the "RSC" file and applied the corresponding items. Let me give you a reminder first. VLAN 100 = MGMT-VLAN VLAN 20 = SUPERMICRO-VLAN VLAN 30 = IBM-VLAN RB 1100 AH x4 = interface = > WA...
Hello, anav I visited the site you introduced me to the vlan setting. Well... and then I re-painted with some changes in composition. The picture is saved as attachment: 1111. We have a problem. The isp company assured me that I could never use a fixed [statc] ip. And Only through dhcp can we assign...
Hello, I'm asking you a question because I don't think the VLAN settings are correct. First of all, I'm going to let you know that we're building an inter VLAN. I’m Korean , And I am not fluent in English. So I have prepared a picture. The picture will be uploaded under the name "INTERVLAN"...
I am grateful for your reply first.
As I am Korean, English can be unnatural.
The reason why I realize LACP load balancing between routers and switches is to connect to the server and operate it smoothly by increasing bandwidth. I am operating OPENSTACK, which is not the purpose of NAS.
hello, I'm trying to implement it using RB1100AHx4 and CRS317-1G-16S + Exactly, the router RB1100AHx4 implements NAT and generates LACP to connect to CRS317-1G-16S +. **What I tried. Router RB1100AHX4 set ether1 = WAN1, ether2-3 = LAN1, LAN2 The WAN1 interface uses DHCP-CLIENT, and LAN1 and LAN2 are...