For information - I configured everything on a raspberry pi 3 with a module rak2245 lora + GPS. Everything is working. Took here: Для информации - настроил всё на raspberry pi 3 с модулем RAK2245 Lora + GPS. Всё работает. Брал здесь: https://git...
Good afternoon. Thank you very much for the beta firmware 6.47beta60, the network server sets the gateway in coordinates. When are you planning to implement GPS timestamp synchronization "timeSinceGPSEpoch:"? Добрый день. Спасибо большое за бета прошивку 6.47beta60, сетевой сервер выставля...
I also ask you to pay attention to the fact that LtAP with a GPS module does not send its position to the network server. Specially assembled the LTAP mini + Lora8 scheme; the timestamp is not sent with "timeSinceGpsEpoch:". Another question that interests you is whether you plan to create...
And I am also interested in this question. And also, if you use LtAP + R11e-LoRa8 + pigtail + LoRa Antenna kit, will the "timeSinceGpsEpoch:" indicator come to the server? All this is necessary to more accurately calculate the location of the transmitting device. И меня тоже интересует это...