Hello Good people, I have a funny problem i cant ping any site from directly from my MT even though i can browse the internet from the MT. if i put a laptop behind the MT i can ping every site and also connect to the net. what am i doing wrong or is there something i have to enable on MT to allow pi...
check your ethernet cable, are you using shielded cable? i had the same problem. my router was rebooting for no apparent reason when i chaged the cable from shielded to unshielded it has stop rebooting.
what is the best geight to mount MT 2.4 outdoor radio for hotspot. since i mount my radio about 30m above roof top i am constantly getting extensive data loss.
I am trying to use Advance radius to authenticate my users unfortunately i keep getting radius not responding, i have done everything in the manual can any one help.
or is there a way to track my radius request from the mikrotik router.
I am trying to setup a hotspot with external radius server. when i try to log in i get radius server not responding. i can ping the radius server and i know the radius server is working because my dialup clent authenicate against it. i am using os2.9.5 is there any thing i have to do. when i monitor...
Hello I have routerboard 532 with two wireless interfaces, what iplan to do is to set up the 5.2 card as a backhaul and the 2.4's as a hotspot. the 5.2's i will like to put them in a wds mode . can any one help me out. i am using os 2.9.5
I am trying to use external radius to authenticate my users. when i use a test account i get this error : mismatched attribute ( chap password). i will like to know where i can disable this in mikrotik since my radius ( advance radius) uses pap