Same here. Also stopped working Passepartout (iOS app) and other Mikrotik OpenVPN clients.OVPN log:
⏎[Jun 15, 2023, 17:32:18] Client exception in transport_recv: process_server_push_error: Problem accepting server-pushed peer-id: parse/range issue
works well til 7.10
Same here...bump. anyone have information on the error for
18:74:2E:AF:0A:D3@5Ghz-Site9-wAP-1-1 disconnected, 4-way handshake timeout
Thank you for replying.The camera do not reply on time
Sep 5 07:15:58 firewall,info UNALLOWED_IN input: in:Camera out:(unknown 0), src-mac --, proto UDP,>x2.x1.1x7.1x5:10227, len 77
OpenRTSP...something like that:Sorry, my bad didn't see that(
what software are you using to record videos?
/usr/local/bin/openRTSP -B 10000000 -b 10000000 -Q -K -v -i -F file_name-P 15 -u xxxx FFFFFF rtsp://