:global CountDown do={
:if ($1>0) do={:put $1; :set $1 ($1-1);[[:parse "global $[:pick $0 1 [:len $0]]; [$0 $1]"]];}
:return "end"
:put [$CountDown 5]
[[:parse "global $[:pick $0 1 [:len $0]]; [$0 mama]"]]
[[:parse "[:parse [/system script get $msgTxt source]] $Parametr1 $Parametr2"]]
Yes, I use ~ inI might misread (should use reading glasses), do you use ~ instead of = ?
:foreach i in=[/log find message~"user $userName logged in from" && [:tonsec time]>=$lstime] do={
:local a "1101"
:local c
:for i from=0 to=[:len $a] do={:set c ("$c"."$[:pick $a $i (1+$i)]".".")}
:set $c [:pick $c 0 ([:len $c]-2)]
:put $c
:set c ($c^
:put $c
:foreach item in=[find where name~"usb" and used-by="" and !inactive ] do={
:put [get $item name]
:put [/port find used-by="" !inactive]
:put [/port find inactive=no used-by=""]
:put [/port find used-by~""]]
/interface ppp-client add name="scripttemp" dial-on-demand=no port=serial0 modem-init="\7E\FF\06\03\00\00\01\EF" null-modem=yes disabled=no
/interface lte at-chat lte1 input=ATG+USBMODE=7
:put [/ip route print where dst-address~""]
In Mikrotik you usually need to connect to ...I also cannot connect to, but I think that's a different issue...
no, a multilingual OS router is not needed, you only need the ability to install support packages for national languages to send SMSNow multi-lingual RouterOS
:if ([:typeof ($arrayCom->"key2")] != "nothing") do={
It is unlikely that we will wait for this, it's better to wait until Rex becomes freer.It would be much easier if MT improves SMS tool