I don't think Mikrotik can really make any specific comments on this. They don't know much more than we do, and even if they did, they can't pass on information that may be seen as favouring one distributor over another. I have emailed, and am simply advised to contact ' my ' distributor. I'm surre ...
Thanks both. @rextended I did not see a global variable for the lease comment? I only see these: https://help.mikrotik.com/docs/display/ROS/DHCP Internal "global" variables that can be used in the script: leaseBound - set to "1" if bound, otherwise set to "0" leaseServe...
Noob question... I have a working DHCP script which sends a pushbullet notification when certain known devices join the network: # Variables :global Person1 "00:00:00:00:00:00"; :global Person2 "11:11:11:11:11:11"; :global apikey "s78e4thyfakekeyf89se47gh56ts87hft87" :g...
Thank you both! I understand a bit more, but seems like "its this way 'because it is'", so I will be sure to consult my Magic 8 ball and read some tea leaves before each upgrade decision
Hi, I have been merrily upgrading RouterOS versions for 9 months, and had not noticed that upgrading the OS does not automatically upgrade the firmware... While this is a home network, I work from home, so my strategy for upgrades tends to be a risk calculation based on lot of " if it isn't bro...
In RouterOS it seems that if a DHCP client supplies a hostname ( 'RFC 2131 "sname" (Server host name) ), then 'Active Host Name' = sname, but if the client does not supply sname, then Active Host Name' = NULL. All we need is to treat 'Active Host Name' as a User editable field, and additio...
I was looking at enabling RoMON. If I understand correctly, if I misconfigured my network so badly that a device was neither accessible by IP Address or by MAC Address ( i.e. network discovery was broken ), having RoMON enabled would give me an additional chance to log in and fix my mistakes without...
I just went through this problem recently and found a few places where Wireguard clients could get blocked from the WWW or Winbox access. I do like the encouragement here to understand WHY - and for me, I had been relying on following https://wiki.mikrotik.com/wiki/Manual:Securing_Your_Router so wen...
DNS only applies to IP, there is no equivalent database/mapping for name to MAC address. This is what I am looking for - a global 'MAC address --> friendly name' label that can be seen wherever that MAC Address is displayed. Since you have static DHCP lease entries, you can use the "address-li...
Thanks, but none of those responses really get close to the core issue. This is a home network but with many (60+) Devices. All mobile devices have been set to use hardware MAC, and all devices have Static DCHP Leases. I have even gone one step further, with a script that sends me an Email every tim...
In most Routers/Firewalls/HotSpots I have used, there is some very simple & consistent method of giving a friendly/memorable name to a client, which is used throughout the interface. Usually it works by treating the 'Hostname' field as a multi-purpose field that would contain in the worst case a...
...and another thing... :) In the spirit of one-off monitoring of a client abusing their internet privileges, I personally would prefer to see more information with less granularity, rather than one single 'Activity' connection with lots of granularity... e.g. one client recently saw these 3 Activit...
I would also like to know more about the 'Activity' column. Are we looking at "most recent DNS lookup for this device"? Or is it something else? From the perspective of keeping an eye on what is going on with a user, it seems like it might be useful, but it is also quite misleading - for e...
Just following up on unanswered post. Why did it work before? ...still don't know. How to set up DNS relay? ...IP-->DNS-->DNS Settings-->Allow Remote Requests = YES ...IP-->DHCP Server-->Networks-->Open your DCHP Address Pool-->DNS Servers-->add the address of your Router BUT - depending on your cur...
...Also, this MUST be above the Drop all rule for the Forward chain. Chain: forward Protocol: tcp Dst Port: 32400 In Interface: ether1 (or whichever is your wan port) Action: Accept Make another one but with UDP as well. These 2 entries just allow the router to allow those ports to be opened. Thank...
Hi, first post and first day with a Mikrotik Router exposed to the Internet, please be gentle! I have spent a week playing around with a CCR1009 before finally today setting it up as my primary home router. I started by configuring in it's default network below my normal home 192.168...