Wow that's so much shorter than my version...and working
Still don't know why my reset variant isn't working but I can live with copying your solution Thanks!
Found the solution for issue two. But seriously what the heck: why are the rx/tx bytes an array with one element of type string? # Required packages: iot :local broker "node_red_system" :local topic "mikrotik/wanVolume" :local replaceChar do={ :log info "replace" :for i...
Hi everyone, on my Mikrotik I'm trying to write a script that pushs rx/tx bytes of my WAN interface via MQTT to my Node-Red installation that should forward it to Influx to get some Grafana diagrams in the end. The following code has two issues: 1. The rx-bytes/tx-bytes should contain the values sin...
Oh man sure..I didn't have a log on the forward drop rule. After adding accept to forward between MGMT_VLAN and WAN pinging the external system is working. Tbh I don't feel confident with the rules yet. I'll probably be carefull with opening stuff on the firewall until I learned more ;) But thanks f...
Ah thanks for the clarification. Pinging the fe80 with %enp37s0 is working as expected. From my PC I can now ping the fe80 address of my router. The router's ip within the /56 prefix that I've attached to my VLAN interface and the public IP address (outside the /56 prefix) that the provider assigned...
You are right. On my PC the default gateway is the fe80 address of the Mikrotik. "****:****:*****:*****" -> My global prefix. (base) joka@joka:~$ ip -6 route show ::1 dev lo proto kernel metric 256 pref medium ****:****:*****:*****::/64 dev enp37s0 proto ra metric 100 pref medium fe80::/64...
The main difference seems to be where the IP address is assigned to. After adding an EUI64 address on the MGMT_VLAN interface with Advertise checked the PCs received the prefix and got an IP. Pinging the router from the PCs is possible that way. But pinging external IPv6 addresses is not possible at...
Just a quick update...Thanks for your help so far. I made some changes in the configuration like you suggested and already get an IP on my PC and could ping the router.
I'll do some more tests and come back with my configuration and probably more questions tomorrow
One more thing: Somehow setting ::1 as the IP address on the router made more sense to me. But that fails with the message that address with prefix length different from 64 can't be advertised.
My new provider is only offering DS-Lite (provider NAT IPv4 and /56 IPv6 prefix) so I have to deal with IPv6 now. To be honest I've always tried to avoid IPv6 because it's so much more complex than IPv4 to me. The goal : Get a global IPv6 address for my server to make it available from outside. For ...
Btw: For sure I'll post my config and some logs in case it's required. I just wanted to get a first impression if this is somehow expected by more experienced users and if I understood the feature correct.
Hi everyone, I'm still quite new to Mikrotik and RouterOS and ran into following problem: Every 6 minutes ports 6, 7, 8 ,9 , 10 went link down and came up again (flapping). First i tried disabling MSTP on the bridge by setting STP to NONE. After that the port flapped a little less regular. Sometimes...
Currently running 7.1 on my RB4011. Today I see all ports of switch 2 losing link every 6 minutes. Is this a known issue? Otherwise I have to investigate if my configuration has issues. linkdown.png edit: after downgrading to 6.49.2 (following this guide
The video streaming problems are fixed! The streaming protocol was set to "auto" which is (for AgentDVR) UDP. After switching to TCP the problems are gone.
I can happily live with that but wonder what the reason is? Wrong order or lost packets that are corrected by the TCP protocol?
Thx anav. This configuration was just for testing purposes. As the video stream problems persist I'll get rid the unifi switch between the components. At least the Mikrotik router is doing just fine and the root cause must be somewhere else. And yes I've already noticed limitations on the Unifi Flex...
I tried to bypass the router by connecting cameras and server on a managed switch with an uplink to the Mikrotik Router. This way I could rule out that the Mikrotik is the root of evil ;) The video streaming artefacts also appear when data is only passing the managed switch. testing.png The switch p...
I've upgraded my RB4011iGS+ to 7.1 and hoped to get hw offload for the bridge I'm using. So far no problems with the upgrade but looking at the bridge ports all of them are marked with "Hardware Offload": "yes" and "Hw. Offload": "no". Are there any preconditi...
Thanks for your support :) The emergency port is working fine now! Regarding the second problem (just for better understanding): Next step would be configuring a switch with VLAN support (e.g. I have a Unifi Flex Mini) like this: 1. Port (uplink to Mikrotik) 2. Port Access Port Video VLAN for camera...
Overall the configuration is running quite solid for a few weeks now. But there are some problems that I could not solve yet. If someone could have one more look at my configuration (in general but especially regarding the following points). 1. Emergency port not working yet - Selected port 5 as an ...
Thanks for the extensive review. First of all: In general it's now working and I can go on going into details. Trunk ports are fine and on the access ports DHCP is giving me an IP depending on the VLAN of the access port. Thanks! Regarding your points (1) TBH Still new to the whole stuff. Different ...
Btw: Once I configured Patton VoIP gateways and they had different configurations (running and startup). Every change you made was on running config. Before rebooting you had to save the running to the startup config. This had the benefit that a simple reboot returned to the startup configuration in...
Hi everyone, after days of reading how-tos (e.g. and many others) and struggling with the configuration I head to you and ask for help. Attached you can find a diagram of the network I want to achieve and an rsc file with the configuration my latest ...