HI, But second script is composed only as :global trigger 0 or as under? Regards Xandor :global trigger 0 /system ups monitor [/system ups find name "ups1"] once do { :if ($on-battery="yes") do {:set trigger ($trigger + 1) } } :if ($trigger=1) do {/tool e-mail send to=my.email@is...
HI, Sorry but these scripts must be insterted into scheduler or only as script? And... Script B (:global trigger 0) must be included into: /system ups monitor [/system ups find name "ups1"] once do { :if ($on-battery="yes") do {:set trigger ($trigger + 1) } } :if ($trigger=1) do ...
Today we have tested SR9 on two WAR boards.
Result... SR9 works fine.. Not delay on associations, no packets loss and great troughput..
We have used the same antennas for all tests..
Driver is the only difference from these systems...
But why this? I have the same result. Can be possible that SR9 don't work with more radio signal in indoor mode but only in outdoor mode?
I think problem is on internal converter...
HI Normis,
Of your super wireless test... I want test similar configuration but with two radio cards and load balancing.. On Wiki web site I haven't found any configuration about that as example...
HI again, I need to use wireless interfaces and not ethernet. In wireless blink command isn't available. I need a script for associate radio signal level to inside led on RB532. Idea can be: No signal: /sys scheduler set 0 on-event="/blink duration=100ms" interval=1s -95 to -90 /sys schedu...
HI, I need to enable led onboard to RB532, in your script exampèle I have found it: [admin@MikroTik] > : beep execute global list pick time toip typeof delay find if local put toarray tonum while do for led log resolve tobool tostr environment foreach len nothing set toid totime [admin@MikroTik] > I...
But with a simple scritp inside to routeros is possible commands led 's present on RB532 as signal strenght meter?
If you have idea how please let me know.
HI Mikrotik,
Can you add into routeros support for UBiquity SR9 with frequencies list 900-928MHz? If you don't have we provide to send you sample for free.
HI Mikrotik,
You have consider to add into your RB boards RSSI Led signal strenght?
This would very help your customers in the first phase of installation. Normally all good Rf products have on board signal led strenght meter.
Can you add this support on RB532?
HI, Airaya use turbo following ECC decision of 12 november 2004. You can use 40MHz bandwidth but there are some limitations on tx power output. For your reference from ECC document: 2. that in the frequency band 5 470-5 725 MHz, the indoor and outdoor use of WAS/RLANs stations shall be restricted to...
HI Stephen,
On 2.9rc10 is present a big bug. I think because driver is updated with hardware compression.
In fact don't work properly 5Ghz-turbo and Nstreme, instead Nstreme2 crash after 2 minutes of traffic.
HI Mr.Tully.
You obtain 50Mb/s with one or two minipci?
You have updated f/w for RB532?
At this time I have in test RB532 bought from wisp-router and use CM9 minipci but obtain 27-30Mb/s in TCP mode.
HI, In fact RB532 work to 333MHz not 400MHz. I don't know about future versions of RB532. However you you need more of 30Mbps over wireless link you need to use minimum 600MHz processor. In this way you can use double pOE system or other PADOC system. PADOC will have small dimensions, low cost and B...
HI, With RB532 you can't reach more of 24-25Mbps in TCP mode because you have only 333MHz processor, if you want more wireles performances you need an powerful processor and an best system for power up the wireless system. At this time we have in test PADOC system (Power and Data Over Cable), with t...
HI, I suggest you to use 2.9 version. Nstreme2 is great protocol but I think needed also to have DFS support for eliminate selection of frequencies. However for use with Nstreme2 I have developed an single full duplex dipole for use with standard parabolic offset antenna (sat standard) without use t...
HI, You can use all systems board that you want or you have availables on your country. For solve problem NLOS I suggest you to use 5GHz band with OFDM modulation and DFS mode. For solve problem of reflection into the city I suggest you to use directional antenna with dipole in circolar polarization...
I suggest you to enable DFS on 802.11g, on scan-list you put your frequencies list (2412,2417,2422,etc..). Is the only solution if you want use sectorial antennas.
You can use cooling to water in association with PADOC (Power and Data Over Cable) system. In this way you solve heat problem and you use only one coax cable for data (over 100Mbps full duplex) and power (120W), consider that coax cable preserve also from radio interferences.
The secret of NLOS is based on antenna and on protocol of transmission.
Into the city you need circolar polarization and OFDM protocol. You can use with crcolar antenna all, vertical or horizontal polarizations.
HI guys, We have tested new routerboard 532 with one CM-9 radio module at 333MHz CPU. We have obtain from bandwidth-test: UDP-Receive mode: 30.7 Mbps CPU load: 50% TCP-Receive mode: 23.3 Mbps CPU load: 94-97% UDP-Send mode: 30.8 Mbps CPU load 100% TCP-Send mode: 23.3 Mbps CPU load 100% UDP-both mode...