i will try ip tunnel tonightYes, It could be secured with IPsec.
are you iranian ?If both sides are MTs' you should use an IP Tunnel because WG and OVPN are UDP and are being targeted widely right now.
yesPPPOE ?
A large number of public DNS servers are filtered. It is going to fail at resolving your DDNS record. You could order a public IP for a DVR or something like that.
radios and routers like 951 and with ethernet cable of courseWhat devices do you have, and how are you connecting your laptop to these devices?
thank you, it can help mePerhaps some ideas from here?
https://blog.zabbix.com/monitoring-netw ... bix/10093/#
you destroyed meoh, no...
again the xyproblem....
Thank you allviewtopic.php?t=180838
but modified for your particular needs.
which means add input chain rules and forward chain rules as necessary.
yes exactly.That is a client issue then and not germane to Mikrotik.