cool thanks for the post,
can you post your configs,
i'm trying to do something similar, but based on destination ip to get it routed thru vpn i.e pptp connection and make all other traffic to go to default.
hi all,
i'm planning to get (RB751U = RB751-2n + USB) once released,
but what would you use the usb port for is it more router memory storage, NAS storage, or also you might use it for external 3g modem connection.
i just want to clarify this for my self. thx
thanks NickOlsen
well i have used a pcmcia to pci adapter in a PC with MT OS with this 3g card and it was working. do do u think if it's working with PC, then it will be compatible with routerboards?
well i have some questions. can i install the wireless card "R52" on a PC with MT OS, will this card used as access point inside the house or it's not made for this purpose? what is the best router board for home use, where i might have my gateway by HSPDA card "3g card" and one ...
Hello, i have a PC i want to use it as a router? can i use License level 1 "the free one" my set up is as follows: 1 ethernet card 1 PCMCI card which will have a 3g card which is supported in MR "i tested it in the demo which expired in 24 h" i want to one nat rule which will nat...
for this card "Sierra Wireless AirCard 875" if it's not not supported in this version, how i install it's driver (it has a linux driver in this wb site ok when i insert the card is there a way to the activity like (/var/log/messages) f...
ok i installed OS 2.9.27 on my pc. i inserted the 3g card. now how can i see the pci card and how can i know if the system identify this card. thanks