So, another 24 hours measuring - this time ZT interface directly. ~ 2,5GB per month, still very chatty but obviously 'as designed'. 2024-02-29_23h00_10.png Also, as proposed by Amm0, zt1 instance set to use 'WAN' instead of 'all'. Not sure if this reduced any failure traffic counting but hey... Than...
Yes correct, the screenshot is LTE interface and the only WAN interface. No other clients connected, only ZT up and running - but also no traffic initiated by myself or other clients in ZT network. ZT simply up and running, but still very chatty while 'doing nothing'. Other than that, 7.13.5 (=ZT 1....
Does anyone of you ZeroTier Guru's out there know, if ZeroTier Low Bandwidth Mode is possible on a MikroTik router? Asking as I'm burning lots of mobile data on my metered connection (hAP ax lite LTE6). No clients connected, no traffic whatsoever, ZeroTier alone using 2...
Yes, 05 has been taken offline until further notice.
Investigation and prep for a possible 06 still ongoing.
If 05 works fine with 7.13.5 then just leave as is and enjoy
As mentioned, a possible workaround at the moment is to configure a manual APN and use this one.
Make sure "Use Network APN" is deselcted and IPv4 only is set.
Also take care of proper credentials with corresponding encryption method.
This is not a 'solution' for me but rather a workaround. It always has and should work nicely with "Use Network APN" - which means the default APN is being used with info or "config" from SIM card. As of now it looks like there's some SIM's out there (mine included) which deliver...
05 has been taken offline. Showing 04 as latest version now. Downloaded the 'new latest' 04 image now (exactly the same KB size as 'old' 04 before!) and flashed same way as I did 1mio times before and it's reporting to be b...
Tried all possible procedures again with a fresh 7.14 rc1 but still no luck.
My hope was
*) modem - fixed modem firmware-upgrade (introduced in v7.14beta9);
*) lte - fixed APN authentication for FG621-EA modem;
but negative.
Modem still dead-ish.
Waiting for Support to reply on my ticket.
7.13.4 and ZeroTier 1.10.3 Is it just me or is ZeroTier not updating its managed routes in ROS anymore? (Yes, 'Allow Managed' is enabled) When I change something in ZeroTier Settings (e.g. add a managed route or delte an existing one), none of my devives get the change. /ip/route doesn't change/upda...
In the meantime I got hold of another device which is still running on its original firmware 03. 7.13.4 and running very smoothly. 'A newer version of modem firmware is available!' is being nicely promoted. If nothing happens soonish many devices might be t***s up as soon as people start blindly upg...
Using Winbox it still offers 05 because Winbox is checking this URL: But let's see what Support comes up with... Mine is also a lab device and being used in 'emergency' situations or on holidays instead of a dodgy hotel wif...
You can upgrade from file manually. /tool fetch or /tool fetch and then /int lte firmware-upgrade lte1 upgrade=yes firmware-file=image That's what I...
Aha - I have 4 APN's available and tested them all (IPv4/6, user/pw, cipher, ISP/manual, etc.)
Always the same issue.
Left it on default though for now.
Bring it online through eth1 and give them a lil BTH
Okay perfect.
I took mine home from office yesterday as well to have a location change.
Will be playing around a bit over the weekend now and if I find something, I will post it.
I doubt there will be news though as it looks like we've tried everything possible so far...
I am seeing some instability with latest modem firmware now (16121.1034. lte1 disappears from interfaces list after 5-10 mins and it's simply gone. In Resources however, there's still a Fibocom FG621-EA visible. Only resolution: reboot Observed on 7.13.3 and 7.13.4 When turning on lte lo...
I guess I found the solution myself: For whatever reason - probably Netinstall related from the past - the box had two (!) part0 partitions. I cleaned everything up, did another - this time proper - Netinstall and started observing. Now, after every reboot, graphing data is perfectly there. Thank yo...
Okay I found the problem: For whatever reason, my RB5009's ZT didn't get this specific (new) managed route via [IP of ZT gw] I've restarted zt1 instance on RB5009 and now he knows this route and all devices behind RB5009 can access 👍 Big THANK YOU Amm0 for helping out b...
I took another Windows laptop which has a ZT client installed. Connected to the same ZT network, checked managed routes there, all fine - et voilà - working! For test purposes I quickly disabled your NAT rule - no more working. Enabling again - working :-) Why I said "weird": I was on a di...
Sounds logic to me. As I have no access to router or any kind of configuration - only option 2a is left :-) "add a /ip/firewall/nat rule src-nat+masquerade for src interface of zerotier1" I have issues understanding your wording "src interface of zerotier" Can you ...
Thanks Amm0. Yes - ZeroTier web portal had already been done. I did as you said - changed zt1 route distance from 1 to 10. Rebooted. But still no luck. As you said - I can see ZT routes now with a distance of 10 being added to routing table. Dynamically added eth1 with is still on dis...
Hi guys, following situation: hAP ax lite LTE in default config, internet via LTE is fine. ZeroTier package installed, configured, working fine. In order not needing to frickle around with firewall rules, I added interface 'zerotier' to Interfaces - LAN list Access to local subnet (a...
On Saturday, I rebooted my RB5009 after months of continuous usage - and now all my graphing data is gone :-( I can't get it - why is this happening? Especially because there's ONE little spike left over (red box) - and that's it :-( Observed this behavior earlier on a RB4011 - but this one has also...
So, today I upgraded firmware of the built-in LTE card from 16121.1034.00.01.01. 03 to 16121.1034.00.01.01. 04 . 2023-10-20_13h04_03.png Upgrade went super smooth but requires a reboot afterwards. Does anyone know where to find official info/announcement - or even more important: changelog - for thi...
Working fine for me as well. miankamran7100 - could it be a problem with your laptop's WiFi? Intel released a new Windows driver these days which finally resolves those random disconnect issues (22.250.1). Mentioned here:
If it bothers you that much, feel free to ask support. And do let us know the response, please 8) So, I have an explanation from Support [SUP-128254]: First answer: It is totally normal because RouterOS itself needs RAM to work. (Okay but we know this and it should still show the Total correctly.) ...
So, if we assume wifiwave2 'costs' 32MB memory per interface - okay.
But why not showing the 'Total Memory' (chip) correctly and taking the cost of wifiwave2 off the 'Free Memory' then?
Still a displaying/cosmetical thing, no?
Totally understand and agree on the Windows story Amm0 ;-) But still - a brand new device with 512 MB RAM would deserve a future-proof 64bis OS I guess... Don't get me wrong - I am not complaining whatsoever - I just want to understand it... IF there's a specific reason. But I guess there IS - to de...
Please apologize for maybe a dumb question - but why are there certain MikroTik products with 32bit OS on a 64bit CPU architecture available?
Why don't these devices also obtain a 64bis OS?
Just out of interest...
Same here - 7.11.2 and ARP entries not disappearing.
Very very basic config with no VLANs or 'Add ARP for leases'.
Occasionally having some 200+ users on a /24 network so I'd be nice if this worked as it should instead of running scheduled scripts do do the job...