Where do I put the delay command in order that a 10 second delay is executed before each query? The script below is supposed to send sms's to prepaid users based on data used but a sms is only sent to the 1st user then the subsequent sms's don't go through: { :local name :local surname :local usage ...
Hi all I need to implement a delay of 10 seconds in a foreach i in loop. Between every query of the foreach i in loop ten seconds must laps. The foreach i command is used to send emails and sms's to users about their data usage. I require a delay in the script in order for email or sms server not to...
Hi Skot I realized that there is no need for changing the rate limitation details with a script in v 5.22. When a customer's monthly usage exceed a certain amount of data, a script must activate a predefined profile with reduced speed. I am struggling with the terminal command to activate a predefin...
Hi Skot I am completely lost The script executes only the log info at the bottom but the rate limits are not changed in user-manager { :local user :local surname :local bytesin :local bytesout :local bytestotal :local megstotal :local profilename /tool user-manager user :foreach i in=[find customer=...
Hi all I had a script running in Usermanager 4 that could change the rate limits if a user used more than a 40 Gigs amount of data in a month. I have in the mean while upgraded my usermanager router to routeros v5.21 This script does not work in usermanager 5.21 any more I have tried making correcti...
Hi all I still have no solution for my problem I'm beginning to think its a bug in usermanager. 5.xx I had a script calling the usermanager database in RouterOS V3.3 I upgraded to v 5.11 and after the upgrade the script didn't run any more I have tried to de-bug the script by copying it part by part...
Good evening all I have a big problem in RouterOS & Usermanager 5.11 I had a script running in RouterOS V3.3 and upgraded to V5.11 After the upgrade the script didn'tt run any more I have tried to de-bug the script by copying it part by part in New Terminal and got to the line where the value na...
I have written a script which interrogates the dynamic queues from Usermanager. When the users download more than 150MB the script should override the speed of the queues released by user-manager: { :local traf 0; /queue simple; :foreach i in=[find dynamic=yes] do={ :set traf [get $i total-bytes]; :...
Could someone please explain to me how the counter under connection bytes works. I have been trying to set a mangle rule which marks packets for a given connection above 100Mbytes: The setting in the connection bytes window is as follows: 100000000-0 Which means that the rule must apply above 100MB ...
I have script generating a usage notification for users every 2nd morning at 05h55. However I find that the script is running twice although Scheduler is set to run it only once.
How do you deliver information to the clients over this WDS network? Do you have a windows server at a central point in the network which they must be able to access?
Thank you idelac3 and tgrand. I will definately experiment with the virtualAP. I have managed to create a pptp vpn tunnel through two PPPoE connections. I have set up the PPPoE server on the AP to hand out fixed remote IP addresses to the dial up clients who require the pptp tunnel and routed the PP...
Hi I have 5 clients connected to a high site AP. The client routers cannot see each other. I would like to link client1 and 2 with a transparent bridge and create another link between client 3 & 4. The two links must be isolated from each other and secure. The links must be relayed through the A...
I have a high site consisting of routerboard 600 and 3 WLAN interfaces which feed 3 sector antennas to which my clients connect. The high site also has one backbone interface. Each of the WLAN interfaces has a PPPoE server running on it with no IP address assigned to the WLAN interfaces for security...
The global variable is $bytestotal. I want the router to extract this variable from another router every 15 minutes. As soon as it exceeds 100MB it must disconnect the user's PPPoE session.
Hi Can somebody please tell me why Usermanager cannot change Dynamic Queues on a remote router on-the fly? The PPPoE active session must first be disconnected before the new speed settings takes effect from Usermanager via the radius protocol. Can somebody please tell me how the rate limits of a dyn...
Hi Krige I am very interested in your offer to access your Freeradius server (if your offer still stands) :-) I have not seen Freeradius installed on Linux before and your offer will save me a lot of hassles to get such a system up and running. As far as I am concerned, Usermanager cannot alter the ...
Hi Krige I have managed to resolve 50% of the problem. Usermanager is now interpreting the interim updates and the upload/download counters are increasing. I am running RouterOS 2.9.51 and userman 2.9.51 on two seperate boards the board running the pppoe server pointing to the one with usermanager o...
Hi Krige Thanks for your response. What I would like to establish, is if other radius managers will resolve the problem, i.e do the bytes upload -and download counters increase at the predetermined interim update interval and do the dynamic queues active on the remote router(s) automatically change ...
Hi Krige I am currently experiencing the same problem with User Manager. I have a script running every 6 hours pulling the total bytes used from User Manager. The same script writes back into the rate limit table of User Manager,depending upon the amount of bytes used by each client. But I have to d...
You can set the burst rate to e.g. 192kBps and the maximum download limit to 32kBps. Make the burst threshold 15kBps and the burst period 1800s. This will allow for browsing only but will make downloads very slow.
Is there somebody who knows how I get UserManager (which is connected to the backbone interface of the network) to answer to a PPPOE server running on the tower. The problem is that the PPPOE server local address is assigned dinamically and only after the first customer is authenticated does it appe...
Hi I have a test network setup as follows: Routerboard 112 with 2 wireless interfaces and 1 x ether interface Ip address of ether1= I have not assigned an IP address to WLAN1 but have a PPPOE server running on this interface with local address = and remote address range=192.1...