Create POST http://router/rest/ip/firewall/address-list/add {"address":"","list":"Google","disabled":"false","comment":"No comment","dynamic":"false"} *return .id value of new record Read POST ...
write single holding register as integer: /iot modbus transceive address=1 function=6 values=a2,a1,v2,v1 a2 - high byte of register address a1 - low byte of register address v2 - high byte of value v1 - low byte of value as hexadecimal: /iot modbus transceive address=1 function=6 data=A2A1V2V1 set v...
Browser extension for managing routes to external networks when multiple gateways are present. Not everyone will be able to understand why it is needed at all, but it may be useful as an example of working with REST API. Install as unpacked extension and pin to tools panel. Not fully functional in M...
Perhaps didn’t quite understand the question, I’ll try to describe options for using address lists. Register and download ASN database from Go to page expand the section "Create subnets from CSV files with network addresses in any for...
Amm0, title of the post has taken on a different meaning, now this is an expanded version of your previous instructions. Block that uses indexes pushes the result to the top of stack, clearing the entire stack - all expressions unused before this step will be lost. Operations & and | can be appl...
Indexes can be used in an expression, but the logic is not always clear and there are no advantages over a regular chain, except perhaps to do obfuscation. {".query": ["disabled=true","list=a","list=b","list=c","#|","#|","com...
Since already dealt with the query, did it as needed. {".query": ["disabled=false","list=a","list=b","#|","list=c","#|","comment=d","address=d","#|","timeout","#!","dynamic=tr...
Yes, works without last and {".query": ["list=a","list=b","#|","list=c","#|","comment=d","address=d","#|"]} {".query": ["list=a","list=b","list=c","#|","#|...
Yes! I'm still testing it, but it's already working: {".query": ["list=a","list=b","#|","list=c","#|","comment=d","address=d","#|","#&"]} equal to: (list=a or list=b or list=c) and (address=d or c...
This query expression: {".query": ["list=a","list=b","#|","list=c","#|","address=d","#&"]} is works, yes, and I using your example for write this. I'm interested in how to construct an expression similar to this: whe...
How to work with query stack in REST API? For example, print address lists with condition: /ip firewall address-list print where (list=a or list=b or list=c) and address=d in REST API like this POST request /rest/ip/firewall/address-list/print {".query": ["list=a","list=b&qu...
What ever if in the modem properties the network mode is left only LTE? If it doesn’t help, I recommend going to the hardware section - perhaps the guys there will tell you what to do with the modem so that it switches to the desired mode. Also can try cell lock
Forgot about as-value :local modbus ([/iot modbus transceive address=1 function=3 data=00090010 as-value]->"values") When the RS485 device is unavailable, the script will throw error, so make a modbus request with error handling :local modbus :local message :do { :set modbus [/iot modbus t...
Method of working with regional ip address databases without using a firewall address list - does not take away the performance of executing rules using lists. :global ipLocation { ""={24;"US"}; ""={24;"CN"}; ""={23;"CN"...
Yes, in normal conditions there are always two sessions from one address - tcp and udp. But I wouldn’t rely on this, what if everyone from one RDP server sits on another RDP server and they are happy with it?.. The idea is to ban exactly those who generate many sessions with zero orig-rate. If there...
Sorry, Damago1, shouldn't have gotten carried away with theories. When overcame laziness and looked at what was happening with rdp-connections in real, found an idea, suggest check it and create a script based on it. Replace the dst-address and port with yours and run this script when you are under ...
The function of obtaining an array of subnets between two ip4 addresses. May be useful for organizing addresses database. The order of the transmitted addresses does not matter. And function for obtaining an array of subnets included in a given one (warning, do not call this function with a large pr...
Theoretically, it is possible to try to analyze the ratio of input and forward packets to the RDP port for each address, but there is no certainty that this will give anything. Such a task will greatly load the gateway, so it’s better to think about using a script on Windows, this will guarantee the...
Thanks, brambo123 ! I'm tired of guessing :D With my device (maybe it makes a difference), if pass (a) as non-zero value, then the function (passed function number + 128) will be called, this is probably the behavior of the device when accessing non-existent registers. Now it became clear to me why ...
You can start writing a script with the following command on the server, executed when the user login the session, replace 3389 with your port number netstat -aon | findstr ESTAB | findstr 3389 >>\\ShareFolder\connections.txt Check if the file is...
a - will be called function with number as sum (function + 128)
b - start register address
c - don't understand yet
d - number of registers
I don't know if this is a bug or how it should be. When the device is turned on, the script works correctly, displays the state of the registers and a message "finish". :local sensorData :local sensorError :do { :set sensorData [/iot modbus read-holding-registers slave-id=3 num-regs=2 reg-...
Concept of collecting telemetry from multiple sensors. The script builds a global array of sensor states in the system and an arrays of reading history. Polling rules are currently implemented for Bluetooth Tags MikroTik TG-BT5-OUT and Teltonika Eye Sensor BTSMP1, and for Modbus temperature sensor w...