Guessing, because before grep was broken out as a program (we're talking Ye Olden UNIX Days) it was a common usage pattern in 'ed'/'ex' - ':g/re/p' where 're' is your regular expression, same as is commonly used in (neo)vi(m); its the more generic form of what 'sed' can do, and it refers to a comman...
Something I've been working on: I wanted a script to backup as much as possible to my sftp host, and couldn't find anything that did quite what I needed. So I started with and
I'll echo @evergreen on the documentation front. Coming from an Arista/Untangle setup on my previous VDSL2 where all I had to do was check a box and put in 2 numbers, this has been a fraught couple of days with many, many tabs open. Also sleep deprivation. Anyway, this works well here, +4 down +1 up...