Hi All I have a PPPoE Server and I need to get Dynamic PPPoE Connections into a VRF. I can not create separate server bindings for the PPPoE Connections as this is not scalable. I have tried to mangle the traffic from the source IP and add routing MARK but this also does not seem to work to well. My...
Hi Guys I am having a problem with my PPPoE Server's Accounting update packets. The server and radius setup is very basic and currently working. however the accounting update is an issue - it is missing the X-Ascend-Xmit-Rate and X-Ascend-Data-Rate From my Mikrotik PPPoE Server: Service-Type = Frame...
Hi Forum I have a setup I would like to run past you all to discuss the best way to configure this solution. All routers are CCR-1016 devices. Layer 2 Connectivity A-R1 to A-R2 is a 10Gbps connection via redundant switches. B-R1 to B-R2 is a 10Gbps connection via redundant switches. A-R1 to B-R1 1Gb...
Hi Guys I am having the following issue on a 1100AHX2 unit Port 7 needs to be a trunk port for VLANS - this is connected to an ME provider switch and receives vlan tags from the provider for connectivity port 13 is connected into our Cisco Core and is also a trunk port - this Cisco network is provid...
Hi All I am having an issue with a Mtik that acts as a L2TP Server. The L2TP Server uses radius for Auth. The connection, auth and access etc are all working 100%. There is a BGP session between the Mtik and a Cisco router which allows the Mtik to advertise the IP address/es that it received from th...
Hi All Please refer to this diagram http://www.siegel.za.net/diagram.jpg I am looking to set up the senario thus ... Router A and B are cisco routers. Network A is our hosted environment Switch A and Switch B are 10/100 switches. Mikrotik A & C are running on 531 routerboards Mikrotik B & D ...
Hi all I have 2 VPN tunnels going from 2 Routerboard 530's. One via ADSL one Via Diginet (Leased Line) The ADSL one is the mainvpn The Diginet the backup one. This is the error message i keep getting when the mainvpn drops and redials. MainVPN: Terminating... - old tunnel is not closed yet. Any idea...
Hi all is it possible to route all outgoing traffic for port 25 over a specific gateway. I have a 3 int mikrotik 2 gateways ether 1 and 3 all outbound mail must go to ether1 by default. All web traffic - port 80 and 443 must go to ether3 I am running SRC-NAT masqurade on all ports Ether 2 and 3 and ...
Hi All this is my problem: I have two ISP live ip addresses coming into a routerboard 500 with 3 ether ports. The ether 1 is a diginet x.x.x.216/29 the ether 3 is ADSL y.y.y.128/29 SRC-Nat masquerading is enabled to allow private ranges to browse. The mikrotik does DST-nat to 3 networks private rang...
Hi The mikrotik must Run the whole system the y.y.y.217 is a Cisco router 1601 that brings a serial line in. The mikrotik will be the core router for the site If i make it the defaut route the x.x.x network can browse but if i try hit x.x.x.131 or y.y.y.220 on ports 80,25,110 or 3389 it does not go ...
Hi I have a Mikrotik setup to use IP addresses provided by my DSL ISP. The Ip's are passed through a Cisco 837 router and have a /29 netmask. The Ip's i think are passed via a VPN tunnel from the ISP. The IP's are Static and thus provided over the VPN. I have a problem thus I have assign x.x.x.130 t...
Hi I need to get a PPPOE connection to failover from a DSL connection The DSL connection is created by a Cisco 837 Router into ether3 The PPPOE will go through ether1 The network is connected to ether2 If the DSL is down the Mikrotik must dial the PPPOE and when the DSL comes back up the mikrotik mu...
Hi I need to get a PPPOE connection to failover from a DSL connection The DSL connection is created by a Cisco 837 Router into ether3 The PPPOE will go through ether1 The network is connected to ether2 If the DSL is down the Mikrotik must dial the PPPOE and when the DSL comes back up the mikrotik mu...
Hi i have a network setup as per diagram below http://www.rsaweb.co.za/web-hosting-pic/mikrotik.jpg I need to set the traffic over the serial line until full then send data over the wireless/ether link. Data leave the mikrotik and arrives at the cisco. it leaves via ether1 and 3. The serial is 1Mb t...
OK Router has 3 ether ports No extra config 1 ether does PPPOE dial up. 1 Ether connects to ADSL modem. 1 Ether to main network. No firewall rules created. External network is pingable via miktotik console but not via Lan connected. Tried creating Ether bridge - didn't help. Any idea's ?? Regards Ma...
Hi I have setup a router board 3 port LAN with the following Ether 1: ADSL connection Ether2: DHCP server - main network Ether3: Wireless internet connectivity I am having trouble accessing either network via ether2 but i can ping both ether3 and ether1 from a pc plugged into ether 2 Any idea's ??? ...