:local userprofile [ip hotspot user get [find where name="$user"] profile] :local limituptime [/ip hotspot user get [find where name="$user"] limit-uptime] :if ($limituptime = "") do={:log info "El usuario $user no tiene limit-uptime definido." :set limitupti...
Dear friends, I appeal to your good will to please help me with a script that when the mac address XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX connects to my RB, I assign it a comment and also make it static, on the other hand I enable a rule in IP HOTSPOT IP BINDING and copy that static IP address into said rule. Thanks for...
Friend, I have this script in version 7 and so far it has worked wonderfully for me. I hope it can help you: :local comment "IN USE" :local userprofile [ip hotspot user get [find where name="$user"] profile] :if ([/ip hotspot user get $user comment]="") do={[/ip hotspot...
I just configured a DHCP server for a HOTSPOT, but it assigns the IP addresses in descending order, I mean from x.x.x.254-- x.x.x.253-- x.x.x.252, how do I assign the IP addresses in ascending order, that is; x.x.x.2-- x.x.x.3-- x.x.x.4 and so on
I want to eliminate users who connect to the hotspot with a different mac address than the user who is already connected first, I hope you understand me
Mr. Rextended, I see that you are a person who knows a lot about scripts. :local cmac $"mac-address" :foreach RANDOOM in=[/ip hotspot active find user="$username" mac-address!=$cmac] do={ /ip hotspot active remove $RANDOOM} Can you tell me why the script doesn't work? Thank you.
Hello, I hope this helps you: :local comment "IN USE" :local userprofile [ip hotspot user get [find where name="$user"] profile] :if ([/ip hotspot user get $user comment]="") do={[/ip hotspot user set $user comment=$comment]} [/system scheduler add comment= [/ip hotspot...
Greetings gentlemen, I have a script that eliminates the clients connected to the HOTSPOT and it works very well for me, but I would like that same script to also eliminate that user in IP DHCP SERVER LEASES, I need your help, thanks in advance. Here I leave the script. :local comment "IN USE&q...