the files push to flash. see my presentation with title Most common mistake on MikroTik installation about how to free up the space on the router. In sort, please use xtra package and upload only the necessary packages instead of bundle package as you will...
i mean that i use for AP mikrotik with virtuals APs, and nanostation for cpe. With the new nv2 i thought to change to mikrotiks cpe to use nv2 on my network. but...
nv2 is not use for virtals AP? who decide that? i hace 5 diferent virtuals ap on each ap that i have and i have many clients connecting to it. From your wiki Nv2 is based on TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) media access technology instead of CSMA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access) media access tech...
Hi We have a lot of problem with Ethernets on routerboards like 411ah 433ah between mikrotik on bridges. The Ethernet look like something is connect to it but there are no traffic at all on it. We disable and enable and sometimes it works sometime it doesn’t, and we need to go where is the AP and re...
ok nobody answer. Thank maris to answer my email. this was resolved when i change the mpls interface mtu to 1500. Now i have another cuestion. when i create a ospf-mpls-bgp4-vpls(dynamic) with two diferents node only works one, never both at the same time. if i create it on static vpls( no bgp4) all...
hi all i hope that you can help me with this because i dont know where is the problem. I have four mikrotiks routers 2 x86(r1,r2), 1 411AH(r3) and 1 433(r4). on r1 i have a hotspot runing without any problem on one vlan (vlanX) on r2,r3 and r4 i have ospf,bgp mpls runing no problem on r4 and r2 i cr...
:shock: :shock: sure?? you fix it. this is a very good news. can you sent that version because i had 4 mikrotiks level 6 all in multicore = no because they always crash. please sent that version i am very very very interest on it Normis what is that version?. Because i sent a email to support and th...
I have the same problem, what can i do??? downgrade to 3.what?? what is stable??? sure taht 3.13 works fine?? because i change it again and still the same problem, probaly i lose my job because this means that lose clients for this problem.