Maybe you can then tell me how to stop this so that there is not so much log and also more network requests?
And all this only after disconnecting the client device from the Mikrotik router server
I have the same problem. This log appears when I disconnect the mikrotik rb 3011 server from Wireguard - ROS 7.16.1. My client is mac OS and Windows 10 (wireguard client). I would like to emphasize that the disconnection from the Mikrotik server is correct !!! The setting on the mikrotik router, whe...
You have a wireless package on the controller, and a wifi-qcom package is installed on the new equipment (ax) ?
And now everything works? From from the main controller (old) controlled equipment on AC and AX ??? Thanks
Hello ! 8) I also have problems with connection I have the following equipment, which has been configured for a long time and works: - RB3011UiAS (arm) - core and controller capsman - RB952Ui-5ac2nD - cap - RBD52G-5HacD2HnD - cap -- But there is new equipment: - C53UiG+5HPaxD2HPaxD (hAP ax3 - arm64)...