Probably is formatted as "linux" filesystem like ext2 or ext3
put this usb key on a linux computer
and use fdisk to understand what type of filesystem is on it
To all We bought about 20 days agò (so new type of hardware) 5 units of this routerbard for test now one is ok the rest show problems when there are traffic or many users they do not respond on ping and to the other request (snmp, ethernet lookup etc etc) we want buy 100 or more piece of them but du...
Hi to all, In my PPoE simple queue (generated automatically by ppoe, via radius, when an user login on PPoE) does not work correctly in upload it seem to work in download not ! PPoE is made on a bridge , called PPoe-Bridge, I have discovered : if I create a simple queue on a bridge or on ppoe-client...
I have the same problem, but I do not have pcq in other tabs of queue in my real situation i see only traffic in upload but not in download If i try a bandwidth test from another routerboard, the speed goes up more than the limit of queue instead if I try this from the routerboard where is located t...
It is not esay to debug,
but you can use the connect list function (under interface wireless) to select the right mac address wlan that you want connect
Hi, any news about this problem ? I have tried to apply a vlan id (in my case id 1) to any traffic that are incoming in a eth without any tag i have used a Rule Table that match if vlan-header is not present and put a new-vlan-id =1 but nothing is changed ? the enviroment is: eth5 configured in trun...
We have encountered the same problem we have some link in nstreme and we use ubiquity and mikrotik minipci card and rb600 and rb433ah with 3.x version all is working correctly with 4.x nstrem is not working correctly (ccq downgrade when we do some traffic) the problem i very very very big for us bec...
I have the same problem nstreme is not working correctly with 4.x version i am using rb600 and rb433 with mikrotik r52 350 mw card with ubiquity card seem to working good I have made more and more test and if i downgrade to 3.30 the links are working correctly Mktik .. plz resolve the problem thanks
I believe is the driver on Mikrotik Board that do not support at 100 % this type of minipci but they are phisically identical to the R52, I believe there are only few different parameter on eeprom who is inside the minipci card, I can confirm that they are working very well on 5ghz if installed on a...
Hi to all, I have 2 different minipci card bought on ebay with atheros 5006x on board and 2 routerboard 411 with router os 3.9 on board (in previous version was 3.02 and 3.011) but routerboard in any case see only 2,4 ghz band (and not 5 ghz band) in attach there are the pictures of minipci, they se...