after select packages when i press continue (Y) it's stack and keyboards lights are blinking. and i can't continue setup. Please i need your urgent help. thanks. ROS version : 3.22.
i need to backup my arp entry, queue, firewall, ect. i creat backup with winbox backup option but when i restore it to another system. i got nothing. so i can i creat backup ?
thanks but it can redirect another ip like google. yahoo but it not redirect in my intrnal ip. i add this /ip firewall nat add chain=dstnat dst-address= action=dst-nat to-addresses= but it can't redirect to it say page not found. but if i use /ip firewall na...
Hello i have a Public IP like : 203.188.2--.--- and it's set on Router. now i want to fw it to a internal web server. i use dst-nat 203.188.2--.--- on port 80 to internal dst-nat on port 80. it dosent work . but if i use dst-nat 203.188.2--.--- on port 80 to internal dst-nat 74.125.67....
Status: Resolving address of ftp.
Status: Connection attempt failed with "EAI_NONAME - Neither nodename nor servname provided, or not known".
Error: Could not connect to server
pleas can you post more details ? how can i connect with ftp ?
hi brothers. i buy bandwith from a ISP now i want to provide internet to my clients. so i need your help. is there any tutorial that can help me. i want to provide internet to my clints in a diffrent speed. so i need help. My ROS can ping isp gateway. ISP INTERFACE : IP Mask : G...