I got quastion about HTQ.
I got 5 interface in Mikrotik. Got HTQ on global out. All traffic that come in mikrotik going to global out queue. Problem is that i don't wont local traffic that going to local interface check with queue.
Problem is when i using webproxy ACL i can get: ERROR The requested URL could not be retrieved While trying to retrieve the URL: http://www.google.com/ The following error was encountered: * Access Denied. Access control configuration prevents your request from being allowed at this time. Please con...
I want to set firewall rule to outbound interface, with that i want to secure webproxy server from trying using a connection (to cut secrvice on lower level).
Something like Chain: INPUT, Protocol: TCP, src Port: 8080, Action:DROP In Interface: PUBLIC
is it ok?
Hello i was setup Queue Tree the HTB like in book examples A,B,Leaf, but the Leaf rate doesen't giving me right kbps. anyone got same problems?
Is it mean that was avarage rate?
I'm trying to configure transparent proxy on mikrotik 2.9.6 but problem persist. Should someone can tell me about dest-nat config. Did i put in in-interface LAN/WAN eth.? Manual is pretty confusing...
I have pptp client setup on mikrotik 2.9.2, problem is that i can ping pptp server(hosts) from my Mikrotik, but from hosts not working... can someone tell me what is the problem (link is estublisht) report of traceruting the pptp server from pptp client host Tracing route to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx over a m...
I need some solution for Local. In Local i made static routes, and i need some solution to secure (limit) numbers of IP. To create ip pool of ip, or better solution to secure via MAC addresses?