I got a problem with my hotspot authenticated with freeradius.
In the log window of MK, there often shows that "RADIUS accounting request not sent: no response".
Hi all, I have been trying to get value of Reply-Message attribute from freeRadius when Access-Accept or Access-Reject, but I can't find any solution yet. I know where to edit Mikrotik message "errors.txt" in hotspot directory. That Reply-Message should be appeared in Login page (error), o...
Hi all As my young experience, I used to disconnect radius users from Mikrotik by this command below: echo User-Name=test,Framed-IP= | radclient -x disconnect mysecret Where: is NAS Address 1700 is your CAO port or disconnect port that you have to enable in ...
In my radius server, i typed: echo user-name=test | radclient -x disconnect mysecret Sending Disconnect-Request of id 37 to port 1700 User-Name = "test" rad_recv: Disconnect-NAK packet from host, id=37, length=42 Error-Cause = Unsupported-Exten...
Yes, i'm using HotSpot. I've tried to use port 1700 or 3799, but there is the same problem.
When i request to disconnect user 'test' once, the Status of Radius Incomming is:
Hi guys I'm now using MT OS 2.9.27 with a freeradius server box. I point MT to my radius sever. MT OS ----------------Freeradius | | | Clients Everything is working well, but i just want to disconnect online user from command (my NAS is echo user-name=test | radc...