Here you have ready solution Short Youtube 'in-action' film: DEMO version: FULL version:
Thanks for your reply and help. Just tested this, but it doesn't seem to work /ip/address/set =numbers=hotspot_bridge =address= !trap =message=no such item and yes, I've doublechecked if I have such interface :) It's there :D What's strange =numebers= interface_name works perfectly with /i...
Use "numbers" instead of ".id" to target the item to be edited. OK. 1. How to get the correct value for the numbers parameter ? Should I first enumerate all interfaces ? What for, if I know the name? Bit useless roundtrip and parsing on client side 2. If using =interface= parame...
Hello I'm trying to change IP address of one interface on the router using API. What I have as a coomand is: /ip/address/set =interface=hotspot_bridge =address= =netmask= and API response is !done so it lloks like everything is OK.... But it is not. IP is not changed. Mikrotik 6.18...
Hello Just in case you are intersted in... Check this page: Along with standalone POS with integrated printer, now we have also application for Android devices wich can be used for ticket creation. Also you can print them on external Bluetooth printer -> http://www.ho...