When you connect to RoMON, this feature is absolutely necessary.Personally i use the Open in New window Feature... It makes things easier in many situations...
/queue simple add name="testing" target="" max-limit="10M/10M" place-before=0;
+1000Please remove it, or at a minimum put it in a separate .NPK from the base OS. maybe a separate soho.npk that includes the torrent client, kid-control and SMB server..
Regards,!) user - removed insecure password storage;
/system backup save encryption=aes-sha256 name=test password=123
Same problem was also with previous version 3.13.I winbox to RB751U-2HnD and RB751G-2HnD via rb751gr2(romon), there is no wireless menu.
print oid
/interface wireless print oid
:local leaseHostName;
:set leaseHostName $"lease-hostname";
I'm glad that I helped.saved my day
Thanks.ditonet - Yes, that is correct. We will try to fix this in next RouterOS release.
Can you explain it? How it works?*) ipsec - prioritize proposals;
*) ipsec - support multiple DH groups for phase 1;
It's typical, Winbox internal look (buttons, etc.) depends on ROS version on device connected to.3. For RB133C3 WinBox looks different.
I don't like to complain, but why the heck such useful option for script import is not documented in Wiki???Also, you can use verbose=yes when importing script to see the actual output where might be the problem.
I don't need to remove them, because they don't exist in my hotspots.So please remove these entries and see if it works
This is general life advicedo this only if you know what you are doing and why
Yes, you are right, but it's probably Winbox error only.MTU has value "0" and is marked red colour as error!
/interface pppoe-server print detailshows proper MTU value.
/interface pppoe-server server> set max-mtu=autoHTH,
You can't change Noise-Floor value, because it's measured value of enviroment noise.My all Point to Point devices currently working with -111, but still I feel latency instability.
Please advise is it good value, if not then what to do to reduce the Noise Floor.
Yes, you are right.So do you scheduled this EXE to run on a regular basis and put the text files on a web accessible server to download into your routers on a regular basis?
Normis, more information, please.Not so fast. Some new hope did appear during the MUM.
Probably MT decided that it's mainly switch and router functionality is 'additional feature'Why only 400Mhz? Old CRS have 600Mhz
This question is answered here:I noticed that the newer ROS version refer to a "firmware" folder (system -> ports -> Firmware). How is this used?
It's possible to read WAN IP address and set it in 'IPSec/Policy' using script.I'm using a 3G stick for WAN that does not have a fixed IP address. That's why I used for source.
SA-Src-Address should be set to your public (WAN) IP, and this NAT rule is not necessary:sa-src-address=
BTW, you didn't post your 'IPSec/Proposal' settings.add chain=srcnat dst-address= src-address=
It looks that only I was brave enough, to upgrade router located 210 km away from me .Are you kidding? Wait some days until user reports say it's save and then do it.
Even between 00:00:00 - 06:00:00 ?happens that the second rule is always red
It only means that SSH client is connected to router, but not authenticated using user name/password.The TCP state said "Established"
+1It'll be nice if you deploy one CRS as a demo system (similar to demo.mt.lv and demo2.mt.lv) so that the community can see what's the switch management looks like in the UI on a live system.
generate-policy=yesbut define policy manually.
Check router's 'IP/Services', probably WWW is enabled.I have a problem FORWARDING port 80 to my PS4. What if I wish to run a webserver?
Enable 'password' policy for this user group.Why this user cannot change own password.
/system routerboard settings set force-backup-booter=no /system routerboard upgrade /system rebootHTH,
Just FYI, for 3 years I've never noticed problems described by you using Prolific PL-2303 XA/HXA converter on Windows 7.In case you use Windows 7 and are to buy an USB adapter, make sure to NOT buy a Prolific chip based adapter.
See my post about Serial Connection With Windows 7.
This bug was fixed year ago, in ROS v.6.0rc6 if I remember correctly.Unreplied is no........................... not yes as would be expected!
/ip firewall connection tracking exportRegards,
I've asked about shown values: Regards,v5.25 does not have a time out setting for "unreplied" !
Just out of curiosity: Why do you want to remove established connections?need help here with a script to run every 5 minutes to delete from tracking table all connections that meet the following criteria.
1: tcp+(!SA)+(!local network ip's)+established
/ip dhcp-client set [find interface=ether1] disabled=yes /ip dhcp-client set [find interface=ether1] disabled=noHTH,
/ip dhcp-client set [find name="ether1"] disabled=yes;On Down:
/ip dhcp-client set [find name="ether1"] disabled=no;HTH,
[find default=no]doesn't work for you?
/system logging add action=memory disabled=no prefix="" topics=ntp,!packetrestart router, wait 20 minutes, then log-in and check NTP logs.
I assume flash become damaged somehow.
You are denying yourself. How to restore software in case of hardware failure?Sad mikrotik doesn't have stronger software restore procedure for such situations.
If you want to install RouterOS on another disk probably you must buy new licence.RouterOS licensing scheme is based on SoftwareID number that is bound to storage media
I've asked because USB port is limited to 500mA and two modems connected to hub without external PSU overload USB port.Do you think that this home-made powering might be problem?
Probably no, it looks like hard-coded value (512k).Is there any way to increase this limit?
/ip firewall nat set [find comment="my_NAT_rule"] out-interface=<pptp-test>HTH,
No, this is script shown in Winbox after reset to factory default.But this is output fromCode: Select all/system default-configuration print
That's true, but rule change prevention will be nice feature.you can't prevent other rules from being moved in front of this rule, causing it to be moved down/up
In many countries it is being called the crime.a) Crack the case on the tower
paoloaga and me made tests on 'mipsbe' platform, maybe 'tile' is not affected with this issue?I have latest rc8 and CCR router. I don't see this issue.
Does it means that size of the downloaded file will be different when new build is released?
This OID is RouterOS version not firmware (RouterBOOT).Try: oid("")
IMHO, RMA is an only option for you.or should i process with RMA ?
I did it, latest RouterBOOT (3.02) and Netinstall with ROS 5.22, but still the same .upgrade to the latest firmware and reinstall with a netinstall then it should be showing correctly.