I'm using this script but I received some problems. Some users graphs are "fragmented" I suppose this due to the fact, that when user is disconnected, pppoe interface does not exist and paticular rrd database is not updated then. Did someone solve this problem somehow?
Is it possible to establish openvpn connection to MT OpenVPN server based only on certificates not user/password verification? I know it is possible with linux OpenVPN implementation. Now I'm using certificates on server and client side ("Require Client Certificate" on server) but I also m...
I resolved the problem. The IP address of machine originating Disconnect Request was different then Radius Server IP Address configured in MT. Disconnect Requests packages sent using radclient s/w shall have the same src IP as Radius IP configured in MT. On MT in radius debug log I still have some e...
Hello all, I want to disconnect a PPPoE client connected to PPPoE server on MT using Packet of Disconnection. To do this on linux box I use radclient application: echo "User-name:=name"|/usr/bin/radclient -x disconnect pass but on MT PPPoE server client is not disconnected...
You have to run two VRRP instances. One for internal interface and one for external. The external interface are router ports connected to OSPF router. They are not connected each other at Layer2. As VRRP communication is Multicast it's not possible to exchange VRRP information between these externa...
Is there a way to force VRRP to monitor more then one interface? At present VRRP monitors only this interface on which it's running itself. I'd like to switch to backup mode if any of interfaces is down. I have 2 routers, on the external side of both the routers I have OSPF configured, on the intern...
Could you write example firewall rules? I fight for few hours but without success.
I created ppp chain, then payments_chain with action "add src to address list". I put radius parameter "Filter-id" to "payments_chain" for these customer I want remind about payment.
please post your config I resolved my problem. I tried to limit incoming traffic on vlan interface, where PPPoE server was binded and always only one PCQ queue was created. When I limit bandwidth for incoming traffic on "global-in" it works. Of course in this case I have separate firewall...
Is it possible to configure Mikrotik-Advertise-URL option with PPPoE not with Hotspot? I'm not sure if this option works only with Hotspot. I set advertise URL and interval and no effects. If this works only with HotSpot what is the best solution to redirect customer periodically (e.g. 4 times a hou...
I have this same problem with pcq users queues (I create one tree for users having the same bandwith). For upload I have as many queues as many users generating traffic. For download I have only one PCQ queue independently on how many users are connected and generate down traffic. Did you find any s...
I have a problem with PCQ and address-lists config. I created configuration as it is described in Chicago MUM presentation. Everythings works great with one exception. In download queue tree there is always max. one PCQ queue created independetly on how many users are connected. For upload queue I h...
Can anyone from Mikrotik Staff authoritatively say if Mikrotik PPPoE server does support CoA requests? If not is there a plan to support it in future? I search this forum I cannot find a person saing this works. I justr received anwer from MT Staff. Current MT PPPoE does not support COA only POD. I...