Remove eth1 and eth2 from default bridge, that what is wlan added.
Create another bridge add to it eth1 and eth2.
Set dhcp-client/ip addess to "another bridge"
I don't remember the exact version but I guess it was somewhat around 6.26. Why it is important? It is just text change, nothing substantial. Well, like so but how you use the script for provisioning, it does not perform the whole I would be a mistake and a break I was looking for and not in "...
I did not get answers about what I meant. From which particular version RouteOS CLI has been changed a little bit strings configuracji card. 20 / 40MHz-ht-above -> 20 / 40MHz-Ce 20 / 40MHz-ht-below -> 20 / 40MHz-eC PS. This is spectral-scan with an example of how it looks Screen Shot 08-27-15 at 08....