I used the router on a WAN wireless network but moved out of range of this some time ago. I have only recently started trying to use the unit again (with some difficulty) for the use I have for it now. If I can get it too operate I will upgrade the software
Apologies again for my ignorance I have tried the names of my interfaces I.E 19db-pac-rootenna and lan and it still gives me the no such argument (port) However I have gone too the Bridge / Port tab in Winbox and added these two interfaces there. This has resulted in an IP address being assigned to ...
No I haven’t. I have only a very limited experience with networking and have only got this far with trial and error and help from forum etc I can see the ‘bridge’ option in win box is this what you mean? can you help me in setting this up or point me too a tutorial that will tell me Thanks for the r...
I am trying to connect a MikroTik Routerboard 153 (Level 4) WISP AP to a Vodaphone wireless router too extend my wireless connection to the office I have at the bottom of the garden I have been successful at loading the password into the Routerboard and it is logging onto the Vodaphone wirless route...
The dhcp is enabled and I have tried to put the settings into ipv4 using this is In the range also the dns server used by the landladys router but with no joy.
I have had help from a friend and have now got the microic router pingng out onto the web. It has been assigned an IP address And seems to be working fine. The problem now is that my computer has an ip of and when I ping out onto the wed I get a general failure. This...
I’ve got a little closer with this can now ping out too the Micro tik router and ping the landlords wireless router but still no Internet. Did this by adding the wireless routers IP to the list in Winbox
Hi have been away working and have been using a wireless doggle to connect to the landladies router. But it is only barely getting a signal and keeps breaking down so I’m back trying to get the router box up and running. So sorry it’s been so long and thanks for all the help up to now In answer to t...
I Followed the last post and now have the landlords wireless router on the status and everything there looks O K. but it wont let me out onto the internet. I’ve chatted to a friend and he suggested it might be the I.P setting on the firewall of the my routerbox. I have set the NAT to masquerade but ...
I live in rural Ireland where there is no available land line broadband,. And mobile internet does not reach. My landlord who lives about 500 meters from me has a broadband connection which he says I can share I have a MikroTik Routerboard 153 (Level 4) WISP AP. I can use the scan and pick up a good...
Hi I have a aheros AR5213 that I was using a wireless connection to a WAN network I have now moved house and cannot get a connection on the wan. My neighbour has allowed me to use her standard wireless internet connection. I was wondering if I could use the unit to connect. I can get a signal but ca...