Dear Normis, thanks for your response. i think you miss understoud my question, i don't want to monitor the services which is on the list, i want to monitor some specific service on my server. i have some services on my server and its very important for me to be sure the services are working properl...
yes Normis i can ping
i have one more question,
can i add some service in the service list to monitor in my server?
i didnt have the SNMP on my devices may be the problam was becuse of that, now i am adding it.
thnaks for your attantion.
i have installed Dude 4.0
i discoverd my network and it founds the devices then i added the link bethwen them, but when i ping any of devices in the network it gets failed. why this happens?!
what i have to do?
please help me.
thanking you,