Dear Mikrotik Forum Thanks for such a fantastic product! I've been running MikroTik boards for quite a few years now and I know them quite well. However, I have a problem now which is confusing me - if anyone can help I would be really grateful! I have two upstream gateways, either of which can prov...
Dear MikroTik wizards I'm writing to the newbie forum again because I have been humbled once again by one of your boards. I thought I was cookin' last week, but now I'm stumped. I seem to have deleted the USB port on a RB411U... *embarrassed.fidget* :oops: :roll: :-? OK - it was all going very well....
I checked out the product page for the Barracuda webfilter. That's one pimped-out proxy. I can't say I'd buy one... With linux, squid, srg, clam, and some time to learn how they work, you can achieve all of this without spending a thing - and you can build it on old hardware! If you're in a hurry to...
1) Click on servers. (If you do not see squid listed, first click on "un-used modules", click on squid, then click install) 2) Click Squid Proxy Server 3) Click on Ports and Networking (first icon) 4) The first option, "proxy addresses and ports", this is my config: Port Hostname...
Hi I use generic settings for squid - i.e. out of the box. (So there is no need to paste my config. It is default.) If you are using squid version later than 2.6, remember to pass the "transparent" option as part of the "http_port" configuration. The relevant line in my config (l...
Thanks for the encouragement. I think I would like to write the wiki, to help the community. As you say, if it comes up a lot, then a simple tutorial may help. I have one final question, about the route which I added using the following command: /ip route add comment="" disabled=no distanc...
Dear fewi Thank-you so much for your quick and informative reply. I really appreciate that you explained to me WHY the problem exists, as well as what I can do about it. I tried your suggestion of creating a separate LAN on port 5 of the RB750G and it seems to be working... access via proxy is sligh...
Dear Mikrotik Wizards I hope that someone can help me - I'm so frustrated I'm ready to roar! I've asked many people I know who use RouterOS, but nobody seems to be able to solve this little problem. I've been trying for almost two months with no success, so it must be something really simple. :) I h...