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by masterphoton
Wed Aug 08, 2012 12:21 pm
Forum: The Dude
Topic: Probe Thread
Replies: 339
Views: 472918

Re: Probe Thread

OK, done! :) It seems to me that Dude accepts as a response for the http / TCP probe only status codes. So my workaround is to read Icinga's webpage, strip it to only necessary bits of informations and then generate a http status for Dude's probe to receive. The ideea works like this: Icinga webpage...
by masterphoton
Thu Aug 02, 2012 1:23 pm
Forum: The Dude
Topic: Probe Thread
Replies: 339
Views: 472918

Re: Probe Thread

Well, I've tried everything... I don't think I need an regexp in that box, since it's just a single value.


I'll keep trying until it works and let everyone know when and how it's done.

by masterphoton
Thu Aug 02, 2012 11:44 am
Forum: The Dude
Topic: Probe Thread
Replies: 339
Views: 472918

Re: Probe Thread

Morph, still not working, sorry.

I think this is about dude comparing values; I guess that in the "receive" textbox I should write an regex expression instead of just a simple value...
by masterphoton
Thu Aug 02, 2012 11:35 am
Forum: The Dude
Topic: Probe Thread
Replies: 339
Views: 472918

Re: Probe Thread

Thanks a lot. I've telneted the webserver, it returns either 0 or 1, nothing else. The probe, on the other hand, doesn't seem to evaluate the result correctly. No matter if I write 1, 0, aaa, xxx in the "receive" textbox it returns "ok". I'll try all the other things you sugested...
by masterphoton
Thu Aug 02, 2012 8:54 am
Forum: The Dude
Topic: Probe Thread
Replies: 339
Views: 472918

HTTP Probe

Hello, I have the following problem: I need to receive traps and make probes in Dude (v 4.3) that reacts to those traps. Here's my setup: Icinga server (for receiving traps); a webpage (a simple php script) which processes Icinga's traps page, eliminates all the unnecessary output and returns 1 for ...
by masterphoton
Thu Nov 25, 2010 4:48 pm
Forum: The Dude
Topic: Create poller with external command
Replies: 4
Views: 2274

Re: Create poller with external command

Well...I've tried, but I don't get it to work! Here's my implementation: ---- Function Name: myping() Code: array_element(execute("perl"),1) Probe Type: function Available: if(myping()>0, "up", "down") Error: if(myping()<0, "", "down"...
by masterphoton
Wed Nov 24, 2010 11:11 pm
Forum: The Dude
Topic: Create poller with external command
Replies: 4
Views: 2274

Re: Create poller with external command

No one?
Is the question too vague?
by masterphoton
Mon Nov 22, 2010 2:26 pm
Forum: The Dude
Topic: Create poller with external command
Replies: 4
Views: 2274

Create poller with external command

Hello, This is my first question about The Dude. I need to ping some devices on my network, which are not accesible directly from the Dude server. So I wrote a perl script that makes a connection (telnet) with a router, pings the specified devices and returns OK for responding devices and DOWN for t...