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MikroTik App

Search found 10 matches

by Sulyvien
Thu Oct 16, 2014 11:32 am
Forum: General
Topic: Cloud core router doesnt boot - CCR1016-12G
Replies: 0
Views: 920

Cloud core router doesnt boot - CCR1016-12G

Hi After a power failure the CCR1016-12G did not boot (all leds off, including power led and display); I had to pull the power cord and plug it again; Using Ros 6.5, firmware 3.10; SYSTEM LOG jan/01/2002 01:00:00 system,error,critical System rebooted because of kernel failure jan/01/2002 01:00:00 sy...
by Sulyvien
Thu Sep 25, 2014 7:22 pm
Forum: MikroTik hardware questions
Topic: Router with PoE Out Gigabit [FEATURE REQUEST]
Replies: 1
Views: 1296

Router with PoE Out Gigabit [FEATURE REQUEST]

Hello Routerboard. When will you launch a Routerboard with PoE OUT (Like RB750UP) and with gigabit ports (Like RB750G ou RG450G), supporting 802.3at. A RB450GUP (680MHz CPU) would be great for powering gigabit routers such as SXT 5 AC, and be able to manage gigabit traffic. Sorry for my bad english....
by Sulyvien
Thu Feb 13, 2014 12:49 am
Forum: General
Topic: routing rip route print count-only PROBLEM
Replies: 1
Views: 1483

Re: routing rip route print count-only PROBLEM


/routing rip route print count-only where rip

by Sulyvien
Sun Jan 19, 2014 12:21 am
Forum: General
Topic: routing rip route print count-only PROBLEM
Replies: 1
Views: 1483

routing rip route print count-only PROBLEM

Hi It's just me or " /routing rip route print count-only " return " -1 "? Shouldn't return the number of routes? " /ip route print count-only " works fine. Workaround may be " ip route print count-only where rip " but it doesn't include local networks (metric=...
by Sulyvien
Tue Feb 12, 2013 5:37 pm
Forum: General
Topic: 5.23 released!
Replies: 72
Views: 33535

Re: 5.23 released!

Just let you know that after updating a RB2011L-IN and a RB2011UAS-2Hnd the activity led of every port is blinking.
Confirmed in RB2011L-IN ! :D
Can't turn ON/OFF ethernet LED's, showing only interface activity :(
Let's hope it's a feature in the next ROS :roll:
by Sulyvien
Sat Apr 09, 2011 5:25 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Mirror for Mikrotik software
Replies: 2
Views: 1454

Re: Mirror for Mikrotik software

I've posted the mirror because Mikrotik download page give a "404 - Not Found" in some downloads. (e.g.

them I found that site in the web. I'm just trying to help.
by Sulyvien
Sat Apr 09, 2011 3:47 am
Forum: General
Topic: Mirror for Mikrotik software
Replies: 2
Views: 1454

Mirror for Mikrotik software

Mirror for Mikrotik software, RouterOS, Dude, neighbour, netinstall, packages.

[ link removed by moderator ]
by Sulyvien
Sun Apr 03, 2011 12:51 am
Forum: Scripting
Topic: Send output from traceroute command in email as text
Replies: 4
Views: 3905

Re: Send output from traceroute command in email as text

I have the same problem trying to put in the body the result of /ip neigbur print where address=$IP.

My solution is print to a file what we want and send it by email as attachment

/tool e-mail send file=myfile.txt
by Sulyvien
Sun Apr 03, 2011 12:39 am
Forum: Scripting
Topic: Backup Script
Replies: 2
Views: 1530

Re: Backup Script

Since ROS 4.6: email - user must enable tls explicitly use: /tool e-mail send tls=yes server=X.X.X.10 to=$rcptto from=$mailfrom subject=("{mtbackup} " . [/system identity get name] . " backup, " . [/system resource get version]) body="See attached file for configuration expo...
by Sulyvien
Thu Mar 17, 2011 2:27 am
Forum: Wireless Networking
Topic: nstreme2 over n links?
Replies: 1
Views: 1379

Re: nstreme2 over n links?

I have tried... no sucess... btest with worse results than in AP-station (300Mbps 2x2 mimo) single link 2x RB433UAH 4x R52N 4x 23 dBi panel antennas 5GHz 4x 12 dBi Omni antennas 5GHz R1: wlan1: 2x omni (TX in nstreme2 dual) @ 5500 MHz wlan2: 2x panel (RX in nstreme2 dual) @ 5700 MHZ R2: wlan1: 2x om...