This is great Job. you have solved the big problem I faced by using RB750. I was not able to collect proxy Log without having Log-server.
Now I ordered 750U with 16GB USB memory.
Hello , I have followed up following instruction. I am encountered at following line. tool user-manager router add subscriber=MikroTik ip-address=x.x.x.x shared-secret=123456 because My router does not have "subscriber" (ROS 5.14) ...
Hallo, ich have got my new box with 5.6 without usermanager. I have downaloded 5.14 , but if I put this file to root directoy, it will not be installed. At the sametime, there also not error message in the log. 1) My question is? can 5.14 used on the os 5.6 ? 2) do you have any instruction how to ad...
Thanks first! I have followed this document. in this instruction two time IP address will be used. one time I have tried first on both places and the this is the IP of the NIC ...
Dear SurferTim, thanks for your quick answer. yes, it works fine with "local user database". /radius print detail give me following message. Service = hostspot callerID = "" Domain= "" address = secret="123456" auth-port=1812 accounting port = 1813...
I have configured the system successfully with standard user Management(as Hotspot). Now I change the Hostpot profile to use local Radius server. What I can see in the Console that "Testuser" login successfully. But after login will not shown the target webspace. Just I see login page. If ...