Hello! Help please, how i can make execute simple line in C# for remove all sms in inbox /tool sms inbox remove [find] i do ITikCommand cmd = connection.CreateCommand("/tool/sms/inbox/remove"); connection.CreateParameter("numbers", "[find]"); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); or I...
ThanX Frozer! I have answer from Mikrotik support thats now it imposible! I goto analog solution with :parse :global Pair do={ :global gRet ""; :local str ":global gRet; :set gRet {\"$1\"=\"$2\"};"; :local func [:parse $str]; $func; :return $gRet; } and use it...
Hello! How i can set associate array element with key from variable? Work code: { :local key "key"; :local val "value"; :local x {key=$val}; :put $x; :put ($x->$key); :foreach k,v in=$x do={:put ("$k=$v")} } output ok: key=value value key=value i want setup key in runti...
Hello! Purpose: make VPN for different companies (green and red on pictures) and get internet for him. (netwoks companies must be isolated) 1) Sheme: http://s1.ipicture.ru/uploads/20130315/v4ARWXmz.jpg 2) Sheme http://s1.ipicture.ru/uploads/20130315/7J1O4qHX.jpg 1) In first case, i configurate diffe...
I have NAT trouble after jump to backup ISP channel. I have two ISP channels by ether1 & ether2 interfaces with static IP. IF first main channel - down, traffic must go to second interface. ether1 = x1.x2.x3.x4 ether2 = y1.y2.y3.y4 I write two IP addresses to Mikrotik Router and two SRC-NAT rul...
Hello. Problem with pppoe and openvpn on RB750G, firmware 5.4. When connected router to internet through pppoe client and then connect ovpn client, router drop pppoe connection. After reboot and established pppoe CPU load 100%, ovpn could not connect. That problem was in 5.1, 5.2 and 5.4. I mail su...