Hi, can this mux be used crosspatched to let it work on single strand fiber (obviously halving the capacity)? We'll use this technique with other products and it'll work fine, but I see that mikrotik's one explicitly distincts mux from demux. Is it just an indication, or is the demux side physically...
* mr is unreliable(?) Can you tell how you use mr ? We use it on RB450G to "virtualize" user CPE on some environments. Metarouter sees two interfaces: one is a dynamic interface bridged to the upstream interface on physical device (ether1, in this case), the other is a static interface (w...
The same happens for us, on the same platform (450G). We use metarouter quite extensively, but we found it to be unreliable and "picky". With a good amount of trial-error, we found a configuration which "mostly works": 6.36.4, be sure to run the latest routerboot also. We also re...
Are you redistributing the default route via OSPF, by the chance ? Anyway, across the years, we've seen a lot of weird behaviors in the current OSPF implementation, for example: - Sometimes adjacency gets formed, ospf database appears to be OK, but FIB doesn't receive all routes. Disabling and enabl...
Hi, I'm encountering a problem with a bridge interface, who bridges together two ethernet and three VPLS interfaces. Everything is working nicely smooth, but /interface bridge host print doesn't show all the hosts I expect to see, only the local address of one ethernet and one host attached to that ...
Same probleme, test with version 5.6, 5.7, 5.8 and now 5.9 on all router that participate in the exchange of OSPF We are using nbma everywhere, priority and cost setup correctly. We have two network on physical local switch and one wireless between them, really stable link, up to 130 mbs on it, lat...
post your config - this thread is 2+ years old and is probably not related to your problem. This is the AP: /routing ospf instance set default disabled=no distribute-default=never in-filter=ospf-in metric-bgp=auto metric-connected=20 metric-default=1 metric-other-ospf=\ auto metric-rip=20 metric-st...
Has someone found a solution for the issue ? We're experiencing it often and often, seems to me that a flapping link is likely to trigger the problem...that's a real no-go issue for us. I tried using nbma too, but it doesn't seem to work well with many routers on the same segment (10+). Regards, Sim...
Everyone can use the same NV2 security but a different WPA2 password. Thank you, I'll try that ASAP Best Regards, Simone. I just tried, it doesn't work with nv2: Access-list: 13 ;;; XXXXXXX mac-address=00:0C:42:XX:XX:C3 interface=all signal-range=-120.120 authentication=yes forwarding=yes ap-tx-lim...
I use pppoe to CPE and find it very good as regards security since most customer may have used a browser to config their internal router, I just disable port 80 and sometimes it's enough when a login page doesn't appear in the browser but having said that no matter how much level of security you ha...
You can set per client keys in the access list. Does it works with nv2 as well? According to documentation: Being proprietary protocol Nv2 does not use security mechanisms of 802.11, therefore security configuration is different. Interface using Nv2 protocol ignores security-profile setting. Instea...
Hi all, at the present, our "last mile" setup involves the use of Nv2 and OSPF to manage routing with CPEs (all of them are SXT); I'm a bit worried about the possibility of someone breaking into the CPE (they're at customers houses, not physically-secure), stealing our nv2 psk and begin fi...
This makes NV2 useless in a multisector setup. With >2 sectors in 5GHz we cant get 100MHz spacing. So we need some better cards with a narrow band filter or a sync solution to make it work. YES a sync solution may do the trick. IMHO the issues we faced are caused by TDMA framing...its continuos bur...
Hi guys, thank you all for the prompt support, in the meantime we discovered the problem. We had another AP on another tower (few meters away) @5500, after changing that one's frequency (gaining +20 mhz in spacing) all issues went away. At the present, we can confirm that TDMA needs 80-100 mhz spaci...
Can you post frequency scan both ends so we can see what other devices and at what signal levels the 433+SXT are picking up. That's the scan executed from the AP (RB433) Flags: A - active, B - bss, P - privacy, R - routeros-network, N - nstreme, T - tdma ADDRESS SSID BAND CHANNEL-WIDTH FREQ SIG NF ...
sricci - can you post the registration table? what are the signals on both sides? Here's it: CLIENT: 0 interface=wlan1 radio-name="00146C656F15" mac-address=00:14:6C:65:6F:15 ap=yes wds=no bridge=no rx-rate="78.0Mbps" tx-rate="117.0Mbps" packets=190213,131459 bytes=249...
Hi, we're experiencing an outstanding disconnection problem between AP and a client; the client dissociates roughly every 30 minutes. We already tried some modifications to the config (eg. increasing tdma period), but without any success at all. This is the configuration: AP: RB433AH with a sector /...