Ok, when you say it doesn't work do you mean you can't access the APs from your private network or the firewall rule doesn't block guest access to your private network? If it is the former, check whether you can ping your APs without the firewall rule in place. If you can't ping them, check that the...
What you would like to achieve is called a bridged network. You need to create a bridge, add all the interfaces that you are using to connect your backhaul into the bridge and assign an IP address to the bridge interface (not any ethernet or wlan interfaces!). /interface bridge add name=bridge1 /int...
Your RB1100 (License Level 6) has unlimited VPN tunnels and your RB2011 (License Level 5) has either 500 or unlimited depending on what VPN you want to use.
Can you please tell us what you are trying to do? If you want to see the traffic from your laptop to another port in the bridge than you need to use: /ip firewall mangle add chain=forward in-bridge-port=wlan1 out-bridge-port=ether2 log=yes However if you are trying to log traffic between your intern...
You can't combine a subnet mask and an IP range to declare a source.
You have to either define the IP range or use the subnet.
In your case you could use: