I'm not sure whom you ask, but I did use the setup above for a while before switching over to GRE from EoIP. I guess I meant mbrtonpye. I am embarking on the same journey and am looking for some thoughts and ideas. I deally, I would have both EOIP endpoints behind another router with port forwardin...
Hi jasgot Sorry to hear about that gram from them. Never nice... The most simple thing to do is to try to download something your self's. The thing is that you will see the connections but they will be dropped in the filter and then they will die out. The other that have no mark should be killed by...
Hi jasgot Sorry to hear about that gram from them. Never nice... The most simple thing to do is to try to download something your self's. The thing is that you will see the connections but they will be dropped in the filter and then they will die out. The other that have no mark should be killed by...
Is this some sort of new ISP and RIAA cooperation as discribed in this article: "Verizon, TWC, and Comcast to Play "Copyright Cop" for the RIAA" http://www.dailytech.com/Verizon+TWC+and+Comcast+to+Play+Copyright+Cop+for+the+RIAA/article24244.htm That's probably not it since you ...
Thank you very much for all of your effort on this code. We got a nasty gram from the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) yesterday and are trying to prevent all P2P. (we offer free WiFi to guests) Are you responsible, as an ISP, for users actions? Which country is that? ...perhaps you...
Thank you very much for all of your effort on this code. We got a nasty gram from the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) yesterday and are trying to prevent all P2P. (we offer free WiFi to guests) I have installed the scripts from this post in this thread: http://forum.mikrotik.com/vi...
Thank you very much for all of your effort on this code. We got a nasty gram from the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) yesterday and are trying to prevent all P2P. (we offer free WiFi to guests) I have installed the scripts from this post in this thread: http://forum.mikrotik.com/vie...