So far so good on my end but I would like to point out something, because our tools rely on mikotik's API a lot. The changelog states the following: *) console - changed time format according to ISO standard; *) webfix - changed time format according to ISO standard; But I guess you forgot to add th...
Good morning SurferTim, I tried your solution, hotspot grayed the value with dst-port 8080, and still we had no luck. Anyways, we rever-se engineered the app and found that the customer is not using push notifications, he has a timer, that fires every 5 seconds and does an HTTP GET request to the se...
Hello Ibersystems, thanks for your reply. I searched more information about push notifications, and if I'm not wrong, seems that the app establishes a persistent connection to a server, and waits to receive the push data. Do you know if ROS's hotspot allow persistent connections no unauth users, but...
Good day everyone! Long time I don't post for help in forums; I would like to know if someone faced this problem or have any clue about what is wrong. We have RB433 and RB450G boards, tried with RouterOS 5.22, 5.26 and 6.7 right now. One network adapter is connected to the Internet, and all the othe...
Also, one of our options is to use an Ubuntu Server as PPTP Server, and all Mikrotik connect to it using PPTP Client, forcing all devices to use MS-CHAPv2 as encryption protocol, to enseure secure communications. ms-chap is not encryption, it's authentication. encryption in PPTP is MPPE*, which is ...
Good day everyone, I would like to ask about the scripts I found in this forum, to prompt the user to type characters: First one -> Second one (The y/n post) -> I am doing ...
Finally I tested the Wireless card on a RB433, and it didn't detect it as well, and that RB433 has 2xR52 cards, I plugged in one in the RB411U and everything worked as we expect: Card detected and running properly. I will ask the seller about this, sending this forum topic link, and see what they wi...
I highly suggest first attaching the antennas, and only then turning on the device, because when card is turned on without antenna, the high output to MMCX or uFL (in your case) will return back can damage the card. Thanks :shock: I will be careful about this next time I plug a new Wireless card on...
Good day everyone, I would like some help about this. Bought a brand new RouterBOARD 411U, with a R52n wireless card, for testing purposes only, like implemeting new features (like Netwatching, Scripting, RouterOS latest versions,...), before using it in productions environments. First of all, plugg...
Excuse me to take this long to reply. Actualy we are doing tests and considering the best option to secure our Mikrotik devices. I would gladly thank everyone for their replies and time. :D Also, one of our options is to use an Ubuntu Server as PPTP Server, and all Mikrotik connect to it using PPTP ...
Good afternoon everyone, Currently running RouterOS 5.19, we are planning to do some API operations over Internet, and our boss is worried about passwords, if they are sent in plaintext and/or it is secure enough to do it. We don't want people sniff our passwords and do unwanted operations to our de...
Although you're not using my client, I'll link you to this part of my docs , as the "theory" described applies here as well. Basically, you need to get the ID with a print request first, and then give that as a value to "numbers", similarly to your 3rd example. Thank you, I'm go...
Hi everyone, I'm using an RB433 with RouterOS 5.19. Accessing API via PHP, using this Class: Tried this commands: 1.- $API->write('/radius/set/0/address/'); 2.- $API->write('/radius/set'); $API->write(''); $API->write('=address=
Good day everyone, I would like to thank all Mikrotik developers the great devices they are doing (even RouterBOARDs, RouterOS,...), we are very happy in our company to use them :D At this point, we are wondering, if possible from Mikrotik or our RADIUS Server ( If someone wondering, it's FreeRADIUS...
Good day everyone, I would like to ask about using Netwatch in a HotSpot interface. I have a RB433 running RouterOS 5.0, one LAN interface connects to Internet, and one WLAN interface, and the other 2 LAN interfaces all together in a Bridge, provides HotSpot service (Ip range: ). Antenn...