Hi, Is faster bridge or switch ? I have a RB751G-2HnD , use ether3, ether4, ether5 like a simple switch. I can to set up this in two way: Bridge interface bridge add /interface bridge port add bridge=bridge1 interface=ether3 /interface bridge port add bridge=bridge1 interface=ether4 /interface bridg...
thanks all for answers the LAN 1 (blue) is my house , LAN2 (purple) is my parent's house and File Server is my old computer. My house and my parent's house are connected with wireless link. I use my adsl normally, and i use my parent's adsl when my is down or busy. Currently just change the gateway ...
Hi to all ! My question : is possible to replace in my LAN , the two routers (SOHO BROADBAND ROUTER) with a single RB750G ? My LAN is The first router have IP lan side and wan side and is connected to adsl modem/router ( using NAT The second route...