I think it's not possible for old version of RB (ex. RB411U), and for new one (such RB912) you can execute /system routerboard usb power-reset duration=2s;
Has anybody experience with RegExp in Static DNS ?
In my opinion it does not work - I have even tried .*\\.example\\.com from http://wiki.mikrotik.com/wiki/Manual:IP/DNS without success
We use over 100 RB912UAG-2HPnD. I have bought next 20 pcs and few of them does not show any wifi interface. No one at /Interface, /System Resources etc. I have tried netflash with different version of MT, wireless and wireless-fp packages - it did not help. To avoid known questions -> I have powerd ...
I have the same problem with up/down script in netwatch - it uses "tool fetch mode=http ..." to update the web site showing status of over 200 monitored devices. When something wrong has happend and many of devices have been disconnected at the same time, netwatch scripts could not update ...
Try "administrator" with empty password. Few months ago I had problem with system USB flash (MT for x86 version) and it helped. I think that when MT can't get access to pass file (like Linux Shadow) it "switches" to default empty password
Stillhard -> thanks a lot ! It helps. I didn't know "set db-path=" option. After "set db-path=user-manager1" the "user-manager1.old" directory appered in "Files ". So I set db-path this .old dir, rebuilt db (because it did not show old session and something el...
I'm not 100% sure, but in 95% I am, that my Intel Atom D410 (one core with HT) reported 2 CPU counts in Resources, and now I see only one. I do not know when it has changed - now I use MT 6.20. I have a "checkmark" at MultiCPU option in Resources/Hardware. Wiki says: CPU count=Number of CP...
After upgrade 6.19 to 6.20 on x86 my user-manager database "disappered". Can't login to userman via web, etc (now is over 20 min after restart). When I try to restore database I've got > tool user-ma data load name: User_Manager_2014_10_15_193359.tar Restore user-manager database? [y/N]: y...
Check if you have LTE interface. If yes it means that MC7710 is working in DirectIP mode (to get full LTE speed). Set APN at LTE interface and add DHCP client for it. If you want access it via serial you can disable DirectIp (/port firmware set ignore-directip-modem=yes), but then you have to use mu...
After upgrade from 6.13 my MT on x86 shows "Loading system with initrd" and then power off. Have you any idea how to bring it back to life with previous configuration?
Please look at this http://www.ledon.pl/en/gsm/2460-lan-kontroler.html English manual (for an older version of firmware) http://www.tinycontrol.pl/forum/download/manual_lan_en_v210.pdf For example I use it at home for temp. control via MT scripts (fetch http command can read and set I/O ports, 1-wir...