chain=forward action drop protocol=tcp src-address= dst-port=!3389
chain=forward action drop protocol=udp src-address=
It doesn't work manually too.Have you tried running the "/tool fetch" command manually? Does it work? If not - can you put the output here?
status: failed
failure: connection timeout
Ok, but how? Hotspot profiles are 2. Radius server is only one!You can use domain in hotspot and radius configuration
No, no problem with css. The same problem appears on every client I use to see the UM.Maybe that's because of CSS's caches.
It happens a lot.
Just delete you're browser's cache and cookies and every thing.... and Login into UM again.
This should work. all the time for me.
/system logging
set LogServerNotice2 prefix=INFO topics=info,!firewall
/system logging
set 0 prefix=INFO topics=info,!firewall
[admin@MikroTik] /system logging> set action=
LogServerInfo2 LogServerNotice2 disk echo memory remote