It's a joke!!!...
i don't what do you mean in the first replay...
i'm sorry but they doesn't worked!!!!
It's a joke!!!...
i don't what do you mean in the first replay...
read again:
you probabily fail because [...] you try to ping non-RouterOS device
YOU CAN NOT PING NON-ROUTEROS DEVICE (or RouterOS device with MAC Ping Server disabled)
ok i got it , thanks you don't need to get angryOk, if you use universal repeater or "client"+"acces point" without using WDS, all the client on router give same mac-address.
You know now the trick...
So, nothing?
Glad to know I'm not an idiot..
Anyone have any suggestions on limiting total download?
(Not speed, folks.. usage.)
you mean that i should mark the outgoing package from web-cache to the users?mark the cache hit DSCP traffic in Mangle
then in queue give it unlimited speed
sorry but what about the first quistionNo, or is enabled, and you can display anything to client,
or if disabled the user can not see anything.
i'm working on RB951 V6.7use :fetch command.
sorry it doesn't workYes. Replace xx.xx.xx.xx with the ip you want to test ping.Code: Select all:if( [/ping "xx.xx.xx.xx" count = 1] == 0) do={ :beep; }
Thanks alotAny data from user and to user are counted, there is no way actually to separate the type of trafic for accounting
do you use hotspot?Thank you I got it working!!!
Have you tried drag-and-drop to your computer from the file window in winbox? For example on your desktop? Works for me.
The variables I think you want are $(remain-bytes-in) and $(remain-bytes-out).
Read the section about traffic counters here: ... _variables
How do you authenticate users? Hotspot, radius, userman ? Most of them has a time option.