Hello brothers In fact, I have modest experience with networks and I have some questions about using the best IP for the local network?! If we take for example default Subnet mask ( And default Subnet mask ( We note that the first IP belongs to class A a...
I don't want to use UserManager. Specifically Usermanager 4 (ROS6) and 5 (ROS7) ? Or just any central authentication like RADIUS aurhentication? (FreeRADIUS, NAS based, Windows AD, LDAP, SSO, other vendor router based (e.g. With Draytek the router local user base is used for hotspot and available a...
Hello brothers Is it possible to use a master router as hotspot database users so that all network clients can connect through the various routers? I know this idea can be applied with UserManager by makes the UserManager database in the main router. But can the same idea be applied by Hotspot?! I d...
Hello my friends , I use hotspot in my network but there are some applications that bypass the hotspot login page and allow customers to use the internet for free. https://f.top4top.io/p_2524dwq121.png This is an image of an application that bypasses Hotspot login page and allows internet traffic to...
Hi brthers! I recently installed a 1100x4 with 6.45.9 and i get in trouble sometimes! that sometimes after auto restarting the router at 05:00AM ,it cannot get the correct IP of dns name, it's appear as and in this case nobody can login into the hotspot until i restarting the router manualy ...
Hi friends. as you see in the image. https://f.top4top.net/p_828fiuys1.png i have two mikrotik routers in the same place, each one for different Network, different clients, and the two routers share the same internet source by unmanagement switch, so the question is!, how i can create "link&quo...
Hi brothers, I manage a MikroTik network and in my country we have some website and some apps blocked or work so slowly. like facebook, whatsapp and instagram. and these sites and apps work fast and without problems when the user active vpn in his cellphone or laptop. so! Is there a way to configura...
Hi there, i had setup three Hotspot servers on my routerboard for three interface ether1, ether2 and ether3. and each ether has DHCP server. http://b.top4top.net/p_274ym831.png so! the question is: do I have to set address pool for the three Hotspot servers?! or set it "none" ?! If the cor...
Hi brothers :D Thank you for your interaction ,realy realy thanks. :) also i want to ask about RB750GL ! can i use it for 50 or 70 users ? What is the maximum number of users supported in this device ?? And by the way what it means Karma ? I will give you Karma but how i can do that ? my English not...
Hi brothers :D Thank you for your interaction ,realy realy thanks. :) also i want to ask about RB750GL ! can i use it for 50 or 70 users ? What is the maximum number of users supported in this device ?? And by the way what it means Karma ? I will give you Karma but how i can do that ? my English not...
http://u36.img-up.net/networkb27d.png Hi The internet is far from our village , so i want to create network to transfer the ADSL from station1 to station2 then distribution internet to users by access point (wi-fi) as you see in the picture. notes: # The distance between station1 and station2 less ...
http://u36.img-up.net/networkb27d.png Hi The internet is far from our village , so i want to create network to transfer the ADSL from station1 to station2 then distribution internet to users by access point (wi-fi) as you see in the picture. notes: # The distance between station1 and station2 less ...