SNMP still broken on high speeds
we tested switch(10G)---(10G)mikrotik ang get statistic from this ports.
on speed traffic higher then 3.2 G statisctic for traffic is wrong.
statisctik for packet is seems to right.
Hello we have some CCR1036-8G-2S+EM when traffic grow up to 3Gb/s and more, SNMP does not work correctly. this ccr connected to other switch and SNMP statistic from this switch-port has not failures, and traffic 3.5Gb/s this problem in all versions, whitch we tested and uses from 6.13 to 6.19, and a...
Hi all! we tested 6..20rc6 4000 simple queue active users from 900 for 3800 conntrack ON load 100%,traffic up to 1.7Gb/s when load to 90-100% (1.7G) router freeze on 5-10 seconds and traffic down to 700Mb/s connrack OFF load 10-15% traffic up to 2.3Gb/s sometimes load 100% and router freeze for 5-10...
Hello! CCR1036-8G-2S+EM 8000 simple queue, about 3500 active users. we tested 6.19rc6 and had a poor perfomance. now we test 6.19 and received some improvement conntrack disable. on one side we have 2G bonding, on enother side we have 10G. when traffic 600Mbit/s 60Kpps, load 20% when traffic 950Mbit...
RoS6.19rc6 8500 simple queue traffic about 300Mbit/s load 30%, active users about 1000 if traffic > 300Mbit/s loop reboot every 1 min load 100% RoS6.18 500-600Mbit load 70%, works stability. But in BHCA we have about 1.5 Gbit/s, so we didn't tested MT in this time. RoS6.19rc6 80 magle rules for mark...