Hi, Can anyone recommend a managed hotspot solution, similar to myport.com.au that can be flashed on to and utilise Mikrotik hardware? We currently have a Mikrotik network using a custom hotspot configuration, however it is flaky and getting consistent support for it is a nightmare! We'd like a mang...
We have a customised hotspot system running on a Mikrotik RB433AH with latest routerOS version. Reaching out to anyone who has experience in customised hotspot scripting. Free advice is always welcome, however we are willing to book some paid time with any consultants who specialise in this area if ...
Hi, We are using a customised hotspot system that uses a script to periodically check if a user has consumed their 1GB quota and then another script to reset all users at 5am daily. Lately, we have had guests complain that their devices are saying they are overquota when they claim to have not been ...
Thanks jarda. I may need some further advice on Netwatch soon. For now, however, I have made another observation. I'm connected via TeamViewer to a workstation installed on site that is attached via ethernet to AP 1 using an interface that is not controlled by the Hotspot settings. I'm noticing ever...
Hi All, At our property we have 3 Mikrotik devices: RB433AH AP 1 Office RB751U-2HnD AP 2 Pool RB411AH AP 3 Pool AP 1 and AP 2 are connected via WDS. AP 2 is then wired to AP 3. We suspect the WDS connection between AP 1 and AP 2 is intermittently dropping and can ...
Thanks seb4tik! I had gone through the first link but had not seen the initial configuration guide yet. Will take a look at it and hit back with any questions
Hi Everyone, I had to ROS Reset a RB433AH device today to remove the Jimojo Hotpspot software. Now I need to set it back up to use the Mikrotik Hotspot system and WDS it to the other wireless devices in the complex. Can someone recommend where to find guides or comprehensive info on: - Configuring t...