I've an installation on a pole with: sxt5ac, basebox2, rb951 and a speed dome camera with poe+ ord 24vac 60w.
I want to install a watherproof box on the pole.
What you suggest to power this units safely and securely?
Do you use a battery backup to protect the units?
HI I don't know well mikrotik solutions. I'm coming from Ruckus or Aruba wifi solutions for indoor coverage. Wich is your experience in medium installation (20/30 AP with controller)? Mikrotic board are comparable to Ruckus and Aruba? Wich are mikrotik product suggested for indoor dual band? Exist a...
Dear angboontiong, why you suggest Aruba and not Mikrotik?
Wich is your experience?
I'm searching some experience with medium large installations with mikrotik and capsman indoor.
Thanks for your answer.
What do you mean about Caps man controller? It can be useful for roaming management?
What do you think about Unifi solutions?
Wich are difference between a Ruckus solutions and Mikrotik solutions?
Hi, I've new projet: I'm planning to deploy a Wifi solution in a School (1000 students) with 40 AP. The request: optimal coverage for tablet and notebook, large bandwidth to access video streamig, Moodle content and VLE. All AP are connected by cable. Dual Bande Features is required. Multiple SSID w...